Neglected Friends

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*I know the hair color thing is inaccurate because this is set in high school, but fuck you that's one of my favorite hair colors of his and I...I just really fucking love this person and it physically hurts you can ask Makenna sO GET READY FOR ME TO WRITE ABOUT HIM A LOT. THERE IS NO JOSHLER, PLEASE STOP ASKING*

We walk into the shop as the familiar bell rings. I see a figure at the drum kit.

The blue haired kid had always come to the shop, too. He played the drums pretty well, way better than I could. I can remember his name from the few times Alex would say it. Josh didn't talk very much. It was funny because you'd think people who colored their hair would be a little more out going rather than keeping to themselves like Josh did.

"Who is he?" Ryan whispers in my ear. Alex comes out of the back just in time for him to hear that, and decides to speak up.

"So, maybe it's about time I introduced you guys. I know you have seen him a lot, but since Ryan's here, you should both get proper introductions. Ryan, Brendon, this is Josh. Josh, Ryan and Brendon." Alex motions his hands to both of us. Josh stands up from the drum kit and moves over to the counter where we were.

"Hi." He says nicely.

"Hi." Ryan says behind me.

"So, what do you play?" Josh asks Ryan. He knows what I can play because we would play our different instruments when we were both there.

"Uh, a little bit of guitar."

"I'm trying to teach him piano." I say Josh nods with a slight "oh".

"Do you play anything else besides the drums?" Ryan asks.

"I know a little bit of trumpet from like third grade. But now just the drums."

"Do you go to school with Brendon?"

"Yeah, he's in my fourth period."

"Why don't you hang out with him?" He whispers to me. I can tell Josh heard him because he looks down awkwardly.

I shrug. He's always been quiet to me. But we did have some kind of understanding. Like we'd nod at each other when we left or when one was practicing a certain song. It was kind of like a "Hey, we both hide here instead of facing our problems." But at school, he only
hangs out with Tyler Joseph. They're both quiet around other people, but you can see them laughing and talking when they're together.

"What happened to your eye?" He says quietly and points to the swollen mess under my eye.

"Some kid named Dallon." Ryan answers before I could make up an excuse.

"Did you get in a fight with him?"

I swallow and shake my head. His face shows he realizes how the situation went down.

"I'm sorry. I thought you guys were friends? S-sorry, I'm being nosy." He shakes his head.

"No, it's fine. We were." I whisper weakly.


"That fucker. Let's kick his ass." Alex chimes in after Josh had pointed out my eye.

"Way ahead of you." Ryan nods.

"Why did he do this?" Alex asks.

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