Brendon is Talented and it's Really Hot

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How did he sing that well? How did he play the piano like that? He sounded exactly like Frank Sinatra. Oh my god, that's fucking hot.

"Thanks." He smiles shyly.

"Keep going, it sounds good." I send an encouraging smile and he nods.

His voice sounds so dark, deep, blissful along with the song.

"In other words, hold my hand. In other words, darling kiss me. Fill my heart with song and, Let me sing for ever more, You are all I long for, All I worship and adore. In other words, please be true. In other words, I-"

"Love you!" The man I remember as Alex walks out from a back room and shouts in a mocking deep voice, not as beautiful as Brendon's.

"You guys want something to eat? Jack is heading out."

"Alex is going to get some food!" Jack yells from the back.

"Jack wants to know if you want some food while he's out getting some."

"Alex is going!"


"Alex!" They shout back and forth.

"Uh, no we're good, we just ate, thanks." Brendon says as he turns his head to look over at Alex, who is still having an argument with Jack about who was going to get the food.

"Okay. We'll be back in a few. Don't break anything." He grabs some keys off of the glass counter and walks out through the door, Jack following.

"Do you know any piano?" Brendon looks up at me.


"Look, I'll show you a song." He scoots to the end of the bench and pats the spot next to him.

The second I sat down my mind had wandered at the thought of how close we were.

He slides to where our legs are touching and teaches me a small song that's high pitched. I practice through it until the end. Then, he makes me play it again all the way through at least ten times, I would know if I hadn't lost count.

"Okay, good." He finally says and slides farther away and starts playing a deeper toned song. He nods at me and says "Start playing that part."

When the two songs are put together, it makes sense. It sounds familiar, like it'd been in a movie I've seen.

Once I get the hang of playing it I look up and see Brendon watching me and he smiles. When we get to the end of the song, he starts playing the same thing as me and then we stop.

"That was good." He grins widely.

"Where is that song from? It sounds familiar."

"It's from that Tom Hanks movie. The one where the kid becomes an adult."

"Oh yeah. I love that movie."

"Me too." He looks up at me and smiles. That's the first time I noticed his eyes, how dark and shiny they were.

What if I just moved a little closer, like we were while he was teaching me the song? Would his heart pound like mine was? What if I just closed the space between us? Would he move away? What if I just-

"Guys, it's almost nine-thirty." Alex comes out of nowhere.

"Nine?! How long have we been here?" Brendon asks in disbelief.

"Like three hours."

"Shit, we gotta go. Thanks for letting us hang out, guys. Night. " Brendon stands from the piano and I follow.

"How the hell were we there for three hours?" I ask as we get into my car.

"We did work on that song for quite awhile."

"Was I really that bad?" I say with a small laugh.

"Oh no, I just wanted to make sure you remembered it so when we did it together it sounded cool."

"It did sound cool, I'll give you that." I say as I pull up to his house.

"Good night, Bren. Want me to pick you up tomorrow?" I see him blush when he hears me call him "Bren". I probably shouldn't have done that. I've only known him for two days.

"Yeah, I'll text you." He smiles and nods as he gets out of the car. I drive off after I see him disappear through the front door.

As I drive alone my thoughts resume back to where they were while I was sitting at the piano next to Brendon.

I've known this kid for two days. I shouldn't feel this way so quickly. I feel like I might have crossed boundaries when I called him "Bren".

Why am I so hung up on that? He's just a kid I'm helping out. Nothing more. It can't be.

But for some reason, I want to be close to him. Not just because I think he's cute. He has this mood to him that makes me want to help him. And kiss him, and -


-A/N: OKAY. So if you haven't read any of my other stories, you should know there might be a lot of short chapters like this. I'm so so sorry. But I still hope you can enjoy this. Thanks for reading!

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