Struggles and Conspiracies

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It's time. I can't hold it in anymore. Just sitting by myself in my room made me realize how much I enjoy Ryan being there.

I get up and walk down the stairs with an impulsive confidence that went away the very moment I saw my dad sitting in the living room.

"What's up, Brendon?" He smiles and gets up to hug me.

"You're home." I stutter. No shit, Sherlock.

"They finished the meeting early. But now I've gotta fly out to Florida next week for a plant inspection."

"Oh, cool." I nod, trying to ignore my stomach dropping. The harsh reality doesn't settle easily.

"So, how's everything been?"

"Tell dad about your new friend." I hear my mom's voice from the kitchen. My dad raises his eyebrow and looks at me.

"Uh, he's already graduated, just last year. His name is Ryan." He's also my boyfriend, whom I make out with on a basis behind your back.

"How'd you meet him? Does he go to our church?"

"I talked to him last year before he graduated. No, he doesn't go to our church. He helps me with homework a lot."

"That's good." He nods. And just like that, the conversation is over. That's how every conversation goes with my dad.

"Uh, yeah so I'm gonna go to the music shop, okay? Yeah, I'll be back later, love you, bye." I rush out and grab my phone and walk out.

"pick me up please" I text Ryan.

"ok is everything alright?"

"well my dads back"

"im on my way. whats wrong with your dad?"

"ill explain when you get here." 


"It's just awkward between us. We've never been in a fight or anything, it's just weird. I'll try to make a joke or start a conversation but it's either not funny to him or he's on his damn phone. How is he on his phone more than I am?" I rant as Ryan drives.

"Listen, I know you haven't come out yet, so you don't know if he'll be accepting about it, but you need to kind of treasure it now. If you build a good relationship now, he might be more open minded later on." Ryan puts his hand over mine, the other on the steering wheel.

"You're right, I guess."

"You know." He says with a cocky grin.

"Shut the fuck up." I shake my head and hide my smile.

The bell jingles when Ryan and I walk into the music shop.

"Well look who finally decided to show up." Jack groans as he leans on the counter, covering his head.

"Jack, stop being a dick!" Alex shouts from the back.

"Alex, stop being a little bitch!" Jack shouts in a mocking voice and laughs to himself.

"What the fuck is going on in here?" I ask.

"Jack ate too much of a pot brownie." Alex says as he walks to the counter.

"I feel like death on steroids." Jack groans.

"Okay then." Ryan says as he walks to the guitars.

I go towards the piano and hit my hip on a cymbal, making a loud crash.

"Fuck!" Jack groans and rubs his ears.

"Sorry." I hold in my laugh.

"It's okay, the jackass deserves it." Alex laughs as he tries to move Jack to the back room.

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