Brendon the Spy

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Ryan pulls up to his apartment complex and hands me a key.

"I'll pick you up when my shift is over."

"Okay." I take the key and kiss him swiftly, making my heart jump just before I get out and shut the door.

I wanted to snoop around. It's not that I don't trust Ryan, but I'm nosy and I want to see what little things he does. How he organizes his apartment, stupid little shit like that.

His apartment is not very illuminated. The color tones are gray and black and a stale yellow when the kitchen light is on. That's probably why he doesn't turn on the lights.

I circled around the main part of the apartment and picked around at little things.

It looks exactly like how it sounds, a single 18 year old fresh out of high school, who never planned on going to college.

The bedroom is limited, but in a somewhat comforting way. His mattress sits on the floor, dressed in white sheets and duvet. The sheets were rustled and slept in. Just looking at it made me tired. I plop onto the mattress, quite uncomfortably because it's on the hard ground.

I kick off my shoes and move the duvet close to my face, which knocks me out almost instantly.

My eyes slowly flutter open and I see that Ryan still won't be back for another 30 minutes. I decide to text the new girl, Hayley.



"what do you think of the hell hole so far"

"its cool, i guess. im glad i found u and tyler and josh before any of those other girls"

"yeah, they seem to act up more when there's a new girl. they obviously want u to know who they are."

"thats p dumb imo"

"thats why we got u away from them"

"lol thanks. so what are u guys into"

"josh n tyler werent v social w other ppl besides themselves but i started hanging out with them recently so ye"

"aight cool"

Our conversation went on for a little while before I hear Ryan open the front door. I hadn't told Hayley that I was gay yet, so I made a little hint, and she seemed fine with it.

"hey wanna b in a group txt with tyler josh and my boyfriend?"

"ye sounds fun"

"k brb he just got back from work"

I turn off my phone and sit up from the bed. "Hey, how was it?"

"Just as good as a Taco Bell can be." He says as he lays on the bed next to me.

"Any shitty customers?" I settle down next to him.

"Of course." He smiles and shakes his head.

He pulls me onto his side and I snuggle up to his shoulder.

"You know, you're pretty cute." He mumbles.

"Shut up." I say into his arm.

"Make me." He says daringly. I kiss his arm and slowly start moving up to his neck as his breathing hitches. My kisses get rougher and he moves his face closer to mine. I suck hard on his neck, just to make sure I leave a mark before I move up to his lips.

He pushes me farther away from him and flips to straddle me. His breath is hot against my face before he moves back in.

Images flash through my head as we kiss and my heart thuds fast.

Then he stops.

"Not yet. My purple Taco Bell apron and khakis aren't very sexy." He laughs and looks down.

"I think so, but I get what you mean." I nod. I'm not 18 yet and still a virgin. He plops back to my side and sighs.

"That was fun, though."

"Yeah." I laugh and turn over.

"You have nice hair. It's soft." I say as I run my fingers through it.

"Thanks." He giggles.

"Oh my God. You just fucking giggled." I squeak.

"You do it all the time."

"Yeah, but I'm, like, me. "

"That made no sense, Bren."

"You know what I mean." I flail my arms restlessly.

-A/N: some fluff at the end, no smut just yet. this is a filler I guess. honestly forget the long chapter promise lmao if it's been a while since I've updated it will be long otherwise it will be short and frequent chapters. I have like one other little part so ill probably post one of those tomorrow. hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading!

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