The Punching Bag

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Once I stepped out of Ryan's car, I felt vulnerable. Easy for anyone to attack because they knew something about me. It wasn't until third period that this nightmare in my head had come to life.

The bell rings just as I start walking and I already know I'll be a little late, but my fourth period teacher will be fine with it.

As everyone else disappears into their classes, I walked to my locker and start to open it. Suddenly I'm held by a force against the wall of lockers.

"So, you're a dick sucker now? I should have known." His familiar voice coos. His grip around the back of my neck tightens and I feel a pull back and an explosion of pain as my face slams against the lockers and a slit in the door slices into my eyebrow while I slide to the grown, back still facing the lockers.

"What made you like dick? Was it me? Or were girls just too pretty for you?" He spits with false concern.

"F-fuck off." I try to speak as I catch my breath from the first wave of shock.

"Shut up, fag. You can't tell me what to do." I see a flash of a knee just before I get another blow to the head, making me slump over onto the ground.

I see the long legs crouch down, almost to my level, but not that far low. "Listen here, twink, I don't want you to ever think you can come up to me, not with your disgusting problems. " The legs straighten as he stands back up and I see another swing, this time landing into my stomach, knocking the wind out of me. His legs disappear and I wheeze.

I need to get out of here. I try to move myself to the bathroom as my head spins. When I reach it I see it's empty and let the door fall shut behind me. I lean against the door and look at myself in the mirror.


I slide down and let a sob escape my throat. I reach for my phone and text Ryan shakily.

He makes me call him and I try to tell him to go to the back entrance. All I have to do is drag my limp body through a grass field that no one uses and wait for Ryan to come get me.

-A/N: ((yes, this is short, but only because it's just an additional part to the last chapter.) So like I said in the last chapter, this goes with the last chapter and is Brendon's POV of the whole fight thing. But I hope you guys enjoyed. I had done a little pre-writing all the way up to this part, so there might be a little delay between the next update because I'm going to pre-write more so I'm prepared. But anyways, I hope you enjoyed both of these parts. And thank you for reading!

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