Things Get Kinky

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Spencer did end up coming to our school the next week. He hung around wherever Hayley went the first day, which was with Josh, Tyler, and I most of the time. But he ended up coming out of his shell by the end of the week and we all kind of formed this group. It made me feel secure, like I wouldn't have to worry about being alone anymore.

Most of the time, people around us could hear us laughing at each other loudly. It's funny because we were all the quietest, usually. With the exception of Hayley and Spencer, who were still labeled as the "quiet new kids" in everybody's heads. We all kind of broke out of our shells, really.

It became a thing for us to all go to the music shop. Every single day since we all first met up in the shop, we went there and played around with the instruments.

Tyler bought the ukulele he'd first messed with. Apparently he fell in love with it so much within the span of an hour and a half that he decided to gather up some of his money and buy it. He got really good at it.

We learned quickly that Spencer is great at playing the drums. The second day after he first came to our school, he sat down at the drum kit before Josh could and started playing like no one else was there. When he finished playing everybody was dead silent. We all had this shocked look on our face, like we'd just watched a unicorn prance through the room. Hayley knew, though. She busted out laughing after seeing our reactions.

"Ah, I love when people hear you play for the first time." She says with a sigh.


"Bren, you gotta get up." I hear Ryan's voice whisper. I decided to spend the night at his house the night before because I was too lazy to go back home.

"Why?" I groan.

"Because, you don't want to be stupid." He says as he rubs my bare shoulder. Great, my boyfriend has turned into my mother.

"Please. You could just call me in and pretend to be my dad."

"That's pretty kinky."

"Oh my fucking god. Get out." I shake my head and point to the door.

"My apartment, sweetie."

"Don't talk about daddy kinks and then call me sweetie." 

"Sorry," He clears his throat. "Baby girl."

"You're disgusting." I stand up and walk out of the room.

"Where ya going?" He shouts behind me.

"School." I yell back as I speed walk to the kitchen.

"Without clothes on?"

"What reputation do I have to uphold?"

"You don't but you will make yourself one.You don't wanna be that guy do you?"

"You're an asshole." I groan and he kisses my cheek from behind me.

"Get dressed and I'll make you some breakfast." He whispers in my ear. I nod and walk back into his bedroom and grab a pair of skinny jeans and a blue T-shirt.

"You're pretty good at singing, you know." Ryan tells me when we're in the car.

"Thanks." I like to sing when I play instruments. It shows me that I'm playing the song right.

"I think I'm going to tell my parents about you." He looks over at me with his eyebrows raised.

"But I thought you weren't ready to come out?"

"I think I'm just gonna tell them you're a friend. That way they know a little bit about where I am."

"Okay, that's fine." Ryan nods.

"But they might want to meet you." I mumble. I hear Ryan sigh loudly.

"I don't know about that."

"We don't know for sure, maybe not." Then again, knowing my parents, they would want to meet the post-graduate guy I've been spending the night with.

"Okay." He sighs as he pulls into the parking lot.

"Don't worry about it." I say and kiss his cheek before I get out of the car and walk to the front gate.

-A/N: FINALLY, I know. the reason haven't been updating, if you missed the recent post, is because I wrote a new Ryden story. I wanted to completely finish it before I posted it so it wouldn't constantly distract me from writing this. I still need to finish writing the last chapter for that, but it shouldn't be much of a problem. if you're reading this when I post it, I'M SEEING FALL OUT BOY TOMORROW, WOO. but I promise an update, whether long or short, by Monday. (don't get your hopes up with me, though) hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading!

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