All Hail The Mist-- The Beginning of the End

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I can feel my heart race. ‘It’s coming again.’ Whispers the bored,  disembody voice of Saka, the new soul I am to avenge. In my blindness I may not be able to see living things but I can see the spirits of all that has died, especially those that seek revenge.

Soon I am thrown into the past like I have been every night for the last fifteen years.

It’s a beautiful spring day the rain stopped during the night and the meadows were moist with dew. I was only nine at the time and as usual I was out collecting wild flowers with my oldest sister of thirty-four, Mary, and our cousin of thirty, Louise. Damian and Marcus our twin seventeen year old cousins were our escorts for the day. They were practicing with their swords. I was the third youngest of the family, I remember that. I had four older brothers, and six older sisters, three sets of twins. Our family lives on the outskirts of the main village as most of the crop farmers do.

I had ventured further up the hill that overlooks the town, than I had expected. I looked down at my Father and three of my brothers busy harvesting the crops for market. They were going in the day after tomorrow. The women were busy in the barn gathering up eggs, milk and water and starting to make the afternoon meal. I breathe in deeply, taking in the wild scents and colors of the meadow. A muffled voice brings me back, I look down and see Mary calling up at me, I rush down to them and jump into Damian’s arms. He swung me up onto his shoulders and we made our way to the house.

‘Mist! Wake! They are close!’ Saka’s frantic voice jolts me out of my nightmare. At first, like always I curse for not being able to see. Then I clear my thoughts and reach for my well placed weapons. Calling for my horse, wrap my, I suppose, black and gray cape around my shoulders. Feeling Jumper stop next to me, I climb into the saddle with great poise and grace. Saka’s dim gray form hovers around me, her expression one mixed with Panic, Excitement and unease.


This Chapter is dedicated to SeaTheWords for her awesome work on the cover :) 

All Hail The Mist (Prv. Avengers-- Mist) Book IWhere stories live. Discover now