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After telling Ola to shut up for the millionth time, you finally manage to tell her the full story. She sat in pure shock.

"So...you knew about this crazy stuff?" She asked you.

"Yes, Ola i did. Its not so crazy once you've thought it all through"

"I always knew there was something creepy about her! And since when were you in a relationship with her? Jeez you're the girlfriend of a vampire, do you not understand how crazy that is?" Ola shouts. You understand why shes acting like this, its not something you hear about everyday.

"Shes not bad, Ola"

Ola laughs at what you said.

"Shes not bad?" She laughed.

"Shes a fucking vampire!" She added.

"Look, Ola, just please don't say anything to anyone. Everything i've told you stays between me, you, Camila and my parent" you say calmly. She nods and shrugs her shoulders.

"Jeez, i've never heard anything more insane but okay" she laughed, shaking her head.


Camila isn't at school. You had no idea why but you were slightly worried. You called her during lunch break but she didn't answer.

About an hour later, you receive a text message. Obviously, you're over the moon to see it's from Camila.

'Parents home?' It said.

'How about you answer my calls and i can tell you that way' you replied to the text.

A few seconds later, your phone rings and you're glad to see her name on your screen.

"Well hello" you say.

"So are your parents in or not?" She asks.

"Since when have you cared" you laugh.

"Jeez, just answer the question" she said bluntly.

"Yes. They're in. Now answer my question, why do you want to know?" You ask her, sounding as blunt as she did.

"I'll meet you at your place in 20 minutes" she said.

"Wait, Camila why are-" you spoke before the line went dead. Great.


Half an hour later, you still hadn't heard anyone come through the door. Somehow, you're kind of glad she hasn't burst through the door in front of your parents. You hear your window opening which made you jump out of your thoughts. Of course, there was Camila, climbing through.

"The window? Seriously? The window?" You ask her when she finally manages to get through.

"The window" she winked before leaning in to kiss you.

"Woah woah woah, wait a second" you say, pushing her back. She frowns in confusion.

"Why were you talking to me like that on the phone?" You frown. She rolls her eyes and sighs.

"Well i had to know the answer. Everytime i ask you a question, you reply with a question" she shrugged.

You smirked a little. "You love my bad little habits. You do, secretly" you joked.

"No, i don't" she said, leaning in to kiss you again.

"Wait, i think you owe me an apology" you raised your brows.

"I apologise my way" she smirked.

"Ah, there it is, you see Camila you don't always get to do things your way" you smirked.

Taste of my Love (Camila/You)(gxg)Where stories live. Discover now