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All day, she glared at you. She really did have bad feelings about the new kid, Sam. She was angry, you could tell.

Finally, the school day ended. As you walked to your locker, Sam approached you. You smile at him and he stops beside you.

"Hey, um, i was wondering if you'd maybe like to stay behind tomorrow? You know, maybe an hour or something, just to study at the library?" He said. You smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, sure!" You said, unlocking your locker.

"How was today then?" You asked him, he nodded slowly.

"Yeah it wasn't bad. Its good enough" he told you.

"You'll get used to it" you chuckled as you put the last few things in your locker. You locked it and pulled the key out.

"See you tomorrow?"

"Sure will" he smiled. You smiled back and made your way out of the building. You turned the corner and almost walked into a very annoyed looking Camila.

"Library date, huh?" She mumbled, her eyes were filled with rage.

You rolled your eyes and tried to walk past her but she wasn't allowing it.

"Its not a date Camila, the guy wants to study with me, no big deal"

"I've told you already, i don't trust him"

"I don't care" you mumble, you were getting annoyed with her.

"Well you should, if he turns around and drains your blood while you're on one of your library dates, what would you do?" She said, beginning to raise her voice.

You narrow your eyes and try to push past her again. She was too strong, it just wasn't happening.

"What? so everyone i talk to these days are somehow vampires? Come on Camila, start being a little realistic" you say, you turn around and decide to take the other exit.

"You want me to protect you? I will, but you're no doing yourself any favours by putting yourself in danger" she yelled, you refused to turn back and look at her, you kept walking towards the exit and thankfully she didn't stop you.


"You're an idiot!" I yell at Ola, she looked at you as if you were insane.

"Ok i probably am, but what did i do?" She asked.

"Who did you tell?"


"Who knows about Camila?" You ask in frustration.

"What the hell are you talking about? You think I told people?" She asked, she was now frowning.

You just looked at her. You could tell she was confused, it couldn't have been her. Now, you were confused.

"If you didn't tell anyone, who did?" You whispered.

"I don't know, but please don't involve me in all of this vampire shit because seriously, it scares me" she said, shaking her head.

You sat on the end of your bed. You don't want to tell Camila that it wasn't Ola. That'll just give her something else to be pissed off about. You tapped your phone screen with your finger, over and over again.

"Ola, have you met the new kid?" You ask her. She looks at you and shrugs.

"Sam?" She asked. You nodded.

"Yeah, Oliver was with him today, he's kinda cute" she smiled. You chuckled at her and shook your head.

"Anyway, do you think he's...i dunno, weird in any way?" You ask.

Taste of my Love (Camila/You)(gxg)Where stories live. Discover now