Chapter 2

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I woke up to find my door open. hmm.. that's weird. I shook it off and got up and went to the bathroom. I looked at my face. My eyes were still bloodshot my hair looked like a bush and I just looked ugly. I got into the shower and took a really quick one. Today I blow dried my bangs and fish tailed the rest of my hair. I went to my closet and put some old shorts on and a t shirt. I then walked out of my room. I saw my mum drinking coffee and reading a book At the dining room table. "Um what are you doing here mum. Aren't you supposed to be at work?" I ask. "I actually quit my morning job. I'll be taking you to school today." She answered. I nodded and got some breakfast. I then got my torn vans and went to my room and started packing my clothes in the suitcases. I was done by the time I had to leave. "You ready? She asked. I nodded and we walked out the door. On the way to school there was an awkward silence until my mom broke it. "Why didn't you tell me that your dad wrote a letter to you?" My eyes widened. I didn't know she read the letter. "I don't know."I respond. And with the the rest of the car ride was quiet. I got to school and did the Same thing as yesterday .


*7 hours later*

My mum said she would pick me up so I waited for her. School had ended 20 minutes ago and she still wasn't here. I was basically the last person in the school parking lot. Finally she arrived and I got in the car. "I packed all your stuff its at the new house but I still need to get something from the old house." I nodded and we drove to our old house. When we finally got there my mum went upstairs and I followed. We went inside and I went to my room. It was empty and it felt so weird. I made sure she didn't leave anything and i went back downstairs. I wonder if my dad wrote me another letter. I went to the mail room and opened out box. There was one letter that said "to Jessica Styles" I took it and closed the box. I went back to the car and got in. My mum drove us to our new house.

I got out of the car and my jaw dropped. Wow. This house was beautiful. It was 2 stories and it was yellow. It was beautiful. The front yard had a gigantic climbing tree and a swing for 2 under it. There was a lot of grass and it was alive. There was a path that led you to the front door. I walked inside and all there were was boxes everywhere. "Jessie let me show you around. We'll start upstairs." I nodded and followed her up the spiral staircase. We got up stairs and there was a lot of rooms up here. "Ok so this Is the upstairs chilling area. It will have a couch, a tv, and a lot more. Than the first door Is Luna's room." She explained. Wow it was beautiful.

"Then this is Harley's room." she pointed. "Then this is your room." Harley's room was right next to Luna's room. Then mine was right across from it. I walked into the room and wow it was really big. There was a couple windows and two doors at the back of the room. I scrunched my eyebrows and opened the door. it was my own balcony! It had a great view and was quite big. I can't wait to start decorating my room and this balcony! I exited the balcony and shut the doors. I saw another door and I knew it was my closet but there was one last one. I opened it and it was the biggest bathroom I have ever seen! It had a bath that could fit 5 people an amazing with tiles, a toilet hidden behind the wall, and a GIGANTIC mirror with two sinks on both ends. I couldn't believe I had my own bathroom!! Finally. "Your sibling have to share a bathroom so be grateful! Come on I wanna show you my room!" I walked out of my room and followed my mum to her room at the end of the hallway. It was the master bedroom. It was gigantic. She had a master bathroom with one of those tubs with jets a walk in closet a beautiful glass shower and everything. "Mum I'm gonna go back to my room and start unpacking." I said. I walked out of her room and down the hallway to my room. I opened the door and I went to my closet. I opened it and yep it was also a walk in closet. Oh and did i mention that there was a tv in there!!!I figured I should probably get unpacking so I went downstairs and found my boxes. I brought one of them up and I decided to do it one box at a time. I went to my room and opened the box. This stuff was all my bathroom stuff. I brought in some of the stuff and started organising it.

"Sweetie were having dinner with my boss tonight. By the way his kids, the ones that I nanny everyday are your age. They go to your school so you might know them." My mum told me. "Ok." I replied. I went downstairs and my mom opened the door. Luna and Harley went outside and waited for mom because none of us know where to go. My mom started walking so we just followed here. The house next to us was theirs and it was amazing. We walked up to the door and I pushed the door bell. A tall man probably my moms age with light brown hair and brown eyes greeted us. "Hello Alexandra. This must be your kids. Hi I'm Charlie." He said. "Hi it's nice to meet you." I said. I shook his hand and we all walked inside. "So what is your name?" He asked me. "My name is Jessica." I replied he asked my brother and sister and they responded. "Ok so I have 4 kids 2 of them are your age a boy and a girl" he said to Luna and Harley, "and then 2 of them are your age and they're both girls." he directed that to me. "You will find the girl your age on the first door on the right and you will find the boy your age on the first door on the left." He said. Luna and Harley nodded and they went upstairs. "And you will find the girls your age on the second door on the right and the left." I nodded and went up the flight of stairs. I saw Luna greeting the girl her age and I think they already knew each other because they hugged. I went to the second door on the right and knocked. "Come in." The girl my age said with an annoyed tone. I opened the door and oh shit. There was bitch #1. "Um hi." I walked into the room. "Hi do I know you?" She asked. "I'm not sure but I think I've seen you around my school." I replied. "By the way I'm Sierra. It's nice to meet you. I think you have probably seen my twin. Just warning you she's a bitch!" She whispered the last part. I just laughed. "I'm Jessica. I guess we will be seeing each other a lot because I live next to you now!" I cheered. "Finally a kid my age is my neighbour this is great. "She stated very excitedly. I smiled. After chatting for a little longer we went downstairs for dinner. I thought Sierra was going to be a bitch but I guess not. Krystal must have been talking about somebody else. We walked to the dining room table and I smelt the aroma of meat. I sat down next Sierra and steak was brought out. It was cut up and had gravy on it. Then there was mashed potatoes with gravy on it. It looked so good. Everybody started eating and the food was amazing! It was definitely the best meal I had ever had. After we were done my mom started, "we have an announcement to make!" "Ok so I know we told you that my family moved next to yours so it would be easier for the both of us but.. that is really the reason." She smiled. "Charlie and I are dating." She smiled putting her hand on top of his. I felt my eyes starting to water and I got up from the table and stormed out of the house to my new one. I immediately went to my new room, slammed the door and locked it, and got it to my bed and cried into my pillows. Worse day ever.....


Sorry this chapter is really short!! I I hope you guys like the story so far! Ok so on my Instagram @theperksofbeing_adiretiomer I will be having a cover contest!! I will post the pictures that I want to be on the cover also. Comment and vote!! I'm gonna try to post at least 3 times a week if not more! Well that's all BYE!!


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