chapter 6

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I grab my phone and put my friends into a group chat.

To: KATHY IS AMAZING!!!!, Jason, Krystal is a sexy beast ;), Sammy, and Drigio.

Me: Its cold and snowing! Perfect for a lazy day with friends! Bring Blankets, Pillows, food, and MOVIES!!! come now I don't like being alone! Oh and btw I have a friend coming that you guys probably don't know so be nice to her! My mum made me invite her!  Oh and here is my new address! Try to find my new room! (Insert random address)xx

Jason: Sounds fun be there in a few!

KATHY IS AMAZING!!!!: Ok I will be there soon!

Sammy: See you in 10!

Drigio: be there soon!

Krystal is a sexy beast: kk see ya soon :)

Now I have to txt Sierra. I sigh and find her contact and txt....

To: Sierra

Me: having a lazy day with some friends! Do u wanna come over? Bring movies blankets and food!!!! xx

Sierra: Ok be there very soon!

I set my phone down and get everything ready. I take out 2 air mattress' and plug them in. I go to Luna and Harley's room and grab all there pillows since they are with their dad and prepare everything. "BOO!" "AJHHHHHHHHHHHH" I sream! "SAMMY!" I Yell! "JESSIIEEE" She yells back! "Okkk so put the food here" I point to a table with bowls and plates, "Set the movie under the tv and don't tell anybody what it is! It has to be a surprise!" I say. She nods and Everybody starts piling in one by one. By the time all my Best friends are here Sierra isn't. "Can we just start its obvious she isn't coming?" Jason whines. "NOOO" I say.  Basically here is the order we are sitting. Sammy, me, and Sierra are on my bed well not Sierra she isn't here yet. Then Kathy and Krystal on the air mattress next to me, and Jason And Drigo on the one next to them. Were all talking when Sierra bursts into the room carrying a lot of stuff. I get up to help her take everything from here hands. "Wow you brought a lot. put your movie under the tv and I will put the food on the table. You are sitting next to me on my bed." She nods and does as instructed. "Ladies and Nimrods, Welcome to Movie, Lay day. Today will consist of movies, food, and warm blankets as we sit in bed on this cold snowy day. Please silence your phones. Remember silence is golden." I say mimicking the movie theater. "ok so I shall reveal the movies you have all brought and we will decide on the first one." I grab the movies from under the tv and and announce the first one. "Your first choice is Mean Girls Sponsored by...." "KRYSTTTALLLL" krystal yells. "Next we have... The nightmare before Christmas. Next we have Grown ups 2. That's a good one. ANYway next we have Warm bodies.  Next we have This is us sponsored of course by Sammy. Last but certainly not least we have Catching Fire!" My jaw drops this hasn't even come out yet. (Ik it has already come out but pretend it hasn't)  "How in bloody hell did you get this? It hasn't even been released in theaters!" JAson asks. "Um well my dad was the director for this movie and he got a copy of it and I had to beg him to let me bring it." She says barely in a whisper. "Ok so I'm guessing everybody wants to watch Catching fire?" Everybody chants and I put the disk into the thingy. I turn the tv on, grab the remote, turn the lights off, and jump on to my bed. lazy day? I think yes!


We're on our third movie "Mean Girls" and its already 2. wow

my mum comes into the room carrying a tray with many cups on it. "I made hot chocolate. would anybody like some?" Everybody nods frantically and my mum gives a cup of nice hot coco to all of us. "Thank you" I mouth to my mum and she nods while smiling she exits the room and i put my attention back on the movie.


*next day*

I walk out of my last class and head to my locker. "Hey Jessie" Sammy waves. I wave back and walk up to her. "I have nothing to do today so do you wanna come over?" I Ask. She nods and pulls out her phone to call her mum. My mum said it was fine for any of my friends to come over without asking. My phone buzzes and I take it out from my back pocket.

Mum: Hey sweetie! I need you to get Harley and Luna from school and walk home with them. I can't pick you guys up today because I have to work. xx

Me: Ok I will and btw Sammy is coming over! See you later <3

Mum: Ok bye

I put my phone and my backpack and ask Sammy, "are you coming over? oh and if you are we have to walk home and get Harley and Luna from school. My mum is working." I say. she nods and we start to walk to my siblings school. Luckily its not that far. "So how do you like your new house?" Sammy asks. "I Love it! It's great." I say.

We walk up to Harley and Luna's school and we start to look around. "Jessie I think you might wanna see." Sammy says. I give her a questioning look and follow her to the swings. "I think I found Luna." Sammy says. I see Luna on the swing being punched by some other girl and I run over to her. "Um excuse me what do you think you're doing?" I ask. "What does it look like?" She spits. "It looks like you're bothering my sister now piss off." I sass. The girl kicks Luna and she flies off the swing. The other girl runs away and I run over to Luna. "Are you ok?" I ask. "Y-yah I'm fine." she sniffles. I help her up and she has blood all over her knees. " No you're not who was that girl?" I ask. "somebody." she mumbles. "Sammy can you go find Harley while I take Luna to the nurse." Sammy nods and walks off to go find Harley. "Jump on my back I will give you a piggy back ride." I say. Luna hops on to my back and I walk over to the health office. "Hi I was wonder if you could help clean up the blood off my little sister. Some girl kicked her off while she was on the swings." The nurse nods and Luna sits down on to the bed. The nurse gets a wet rag and wipes off the blood. She then puts on Neosporin and puts a spongebob Band-Aid on. "thank you." I say. "No problem!" we wave good bye and we go find Harley and Sammy.


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