Chapter 15

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I sit on the couch as everybody gathers around me. Everything is silent for a moment until they start singing happy birthday. Mum brings out the cake and I look at everybody and smile. This has been the best birthday ever! Mum sets the cake down on the table and once everybody stops singing I blow out the candles and wish that I will be able to see my dad more often. Everybody claps and mum starts to distribute the cake. She sets a piece in front of me and I take a bite! "Mmm this cake is amazing." I say with my mouth full. Everybody laughs and everybody starts to eat the cake. "So I was thinking once we are done eating you could open presents?" Mum smiles. "Ok!" I respond and I try to eat the cake as fast as I can.

Once everybody is done mum takes the cake and brings it back to the kitchen. Everybody leaves for a second to bring the presents over and sets them in front of me. All my friends and family are here and that makes this birthday even more special! Once everybody is back they set there presents on the table and everybody is saying things like, "Open mine first!" I look over all the presents and I first pick the one from Liam. I pick up the smaller box and set it in my lap. Everybody is staring at me anxiously and I first pick up the letter and read it. I put that down and I slowly start to tear off the wrapping paper. I soon realize what it is and put a hand over my mouth. "Oh my gosh! I cant believe you got me this Liam! Thank you so much!" I give him a big hug and I take off the package and I admire my new iphone 5s. I'm so happy I'm holding back my tears of joy. "Everything is already set up so you can start using it now!" Liam explains.

After opening most of my presents there is 3 left. One from Dad, One from Mum, and one from Charlie and Sierra that can't be wrapped. The rest of their family couldn't make it.  "Ok so my present for you is in the other room but sit here and close your eyes! I Will be back in a second!" He exclaims. I lean back and close my eyes and wait for Charlie to comeback. I wonder what he could have gotten me that can not be wrapped. Well I guess I will just have to find out!

Something licks my cheek and I open my eyes. In front of me on my lap is a baby husky! It is white and black and has bright blue eyes. I have the biggest smile on my face right now. This is the cutest dog I have ever seen!  "Thank you so much Charley and Sierra!" I smile. "You welcome Samantha." They both give me a hug and I sit back down. I decide to open my mums present before my Dads. I slowly pick it up and it kinda heavy not extremely but kinda. I start to tear off the wrapping paper and it is a box. I slowly open the box and it has a canon camera in it! One of the really nice ones! "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love it!" I set the camera down and give my mum a big hug. I then pick up my last present from my dad and open it. Its a mac book pro! I got everything I wanted but what I really wanted was to meet my dad and just because he is here with me could have been enough. "Ok so it is all set up and there is a present on the computer but you will have to figure that out once you use it!" He says. I give my dad a big hug. I almost start to cry but I take a deep breath and hold it in. "Thank you Dad." I whisper. "Your welcome Jessie."



"Hmm what should I edit first? I don't have any videos or pictures." Jessica asks. "Lets take a picture of us and you can edit it! Just take it from the camera on here." I say. "Good idea." She says. She exits the editing software and goes to the photo booth. "Smile!" She says. We both smile for the picture and it flashes. "Perfect!" She exclaims. She goes back to the editing software and uploads the picture of us. She starts to even out our skin and then makes our teeth whiter. She enhances our eyes and presses the save button. Her new dog jumps up on to the bed and crawls on top of me. "Jessie, what are you going to name her?" I ask. "I am not sure yet but I will figure it out soon." She explains. I nod my head and look at Jessica. She looks a lot like me but some of her looks like her mum. She is very petite like her mum was and she has dimples like both of us but they aren't very deep which is weird. She also has my green eyes. She picks up her phone and goes to contacts. "Dad what is your number? I want to put it in my phone!" She smiles. I take her phone and put my number in it. I save the contact and give the phone back to her. "Wait you have to add a picture to it!" She smiles. She goes to take the picture and points the phone in my direction. I smile so big that my eyes are shut and she giggles. I start to laugh too, not because it was really funny but because her laugh is contagious. "Hey Dad, can I make an instagram? It would be private so only my friends could follow me." She asks. "Sure!" I say. "Do you want to take a photo for my instagram?" I ask. She nods her head so i take my phone out of my pocket. I put in my passcode and go to the camera. We take a bunch of selfies and then I exit the camera and go to instagram and pick my favorite one. We are both sticking our tongue out and smiling. It's a great photo. I caption it "Happy Birthday Jessie! I love you!" and I post it. My feed immediately blows up with likes and comments but I exit the app and put my phone away.  

The door opens and we both turn our head in sync towards the door. Alex is standing against the door and says, "Jessie it's late you should go to sleep and Harry I think you should leave too." "Ok." I say and give Jessie a big hug. "Happy birthday sweetie." I say good bye to her dog and walk towards Alex. "Er Alex, can I have your phone number so I can text you my new address. I am moving into my new house on Thursday and I need to text you the address so you know where to drop her off." I Explain. "Uh ok." She mumbles. She gets out her phone and types the password and gives me her phone. I get my phone out and type the password and hand it to her. I go to go to contacts and add my phone number and I take a picture for the image. She does the same and we swap back our phones. "By Jessie uh Alex see you next weekend!" I wave goodbye and walk out of her room I walk downstairs and Liam is waiting by the front door. "Ready?" He asks. I nod and we walk out the door and into the car so we can go back to his house.

Harry Styles is my dad [discontinued]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant