Chapter 19

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"Jessie, do you wann go on a walk with me and Selena?" I ask. Management is making me do stuff so the public will see us. They think if they see me, Selena, and Jessie together they will think that Jessica and Selena are "bonding". "Um ok." She answers, "Let me just get my shoes on." She runs upstairs and i wait. When she comes back down, I open the door and we walk out. "Dad?" Jessica asks as we start walking down the sidewalk. "Yes?" I answer. "Um it kinda looks like it's about to rain. Are you sure its a good idea to go on a walk?" She asks. "Honey, we will be fine." I say. She sighs and we keep walking. I look down at Jessica who is kicking rocks along the road. I smile. "Where are we meeting her?" She questions as she crinkles her eyebrows. "At the coffee shop, We are almost there." She nods and we keep walking in silence.

After a couple of more minutes we get to the shop and see Selena sitting at a booth with a coffee in her hand and two more in front of her. "Hi." I say. "Hi Harry!" She greets as she gets up and gives me a hug. She looks behind me and sees Jessica. "Hi Jessica!" She gives Jessica a hug and Jessie looks extremely awkward. "I got you guys some drinks. I didn't know what you like so, I got Jessica a hot chocolate," She hands Jessica the drink and she says thank you. " And I got you a coffee. The same as me." She hands it to me as i say thank you. "So are you ready to go?" i ask. She nods and we walk outside. Right when we walk out i feel drops of water landing on me. "Shit." I whisper. "Huh?" Selena asks. "Oh nothing. Um since its raining, do you just wanna walk back to my place? It's really close." I say. "Sure." She responds.

Selena and I talk about random stuff as Jessie just quietly walks beside us. Again, she is kicking rocks. Once we almost get to our house the rain starts to pour and i see a flash. I turn my head and i see the paparazi. "Oh no.." I say. "What's wrong?" Selena asks. "The paparazi, they're following us." She sighs and we all start to walk faster. The paparazi keep taking photos of us and they start to come closer. "Harry is that your new girlfriend?" They ask. "Selena are you dating Harry?" "Harry, is that your daughter?" I look at Jessie and she looks really uncomfortable. She leans into my side because they start to get really close. We finally get to my house and once we are all inside i slam the door.. "Jessie are you okay?" I ask. She nods and says "Yeah." She goes upstairs and i sigh. "Was that her first time getting mobbed by the paparazi with you?" Selena asks. "Yeah. Anyway do you wanna watch tv?" She nods her head and we walk over to the couch. I grab the remote and turn the tv on. We bot sit and the news pops up. "Thunder storms are coming towards England. All flights will be held up and you might wanna stay inside. The storms are very dangerous. We will let you know when it is safe to go back outside." The news person says. "I guess I'll be staying her for the night." She says. "Yep. Don't worry i have a spare bedroom."


I sit on my bed watching re-runs of Gossip Girl. After the paparazzi mobbed us, I am a little freaked out. Having all those flashing lights in your eyes is horrible. I don't get how celebrities deal with it everyday. All of a sudden all the lights turn off. "Great, just great!" I remark sarcastically. I get up and start to look through my doors for a flashlight. Once i finally find one I take it only to realize it's one of those sucky ones that you have to keep turning the handle to keep the light on. I sigh and start to turn it and exit my room. The light from the flashlight barely does anything and I keep bumping into things. I go downstairs to get some candles when I see Dad and Selena already lighting some. "Hi Dad." I say. Hi sweetie, do you want some candles for your room?" He asks. "Well yeah, that's kind of why I came down here." I giggle. He hands me a couple of candles and a lighter and I bring them upstairs.

I enter my room and set down each candle in a different spot. I go to the first one that is on my bedside table and light in. It's a scented candle and it smells AMAZING! The light from that candle only helps a little but it's better than nothing. Luckily I have two more. I light the next one that's on my shelf and then the other one that's on my desk. Even though there is only three candles, the light from the three has helped a lot. Since there is really nothing to do I go to my liana and plug my headphones in. I start to play the song "Never Say Never" by the Fray only to hear the sound of nothing. I crinkle my eyebrows in confusion only to remember my keyboard is plugged into the wall and needs electricity to play it. I sigh and unplug my headphones and take them out if my ears. There is nothing to do. Help me. I am bored out of my mind.

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