chapter 14

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"Ok so you can sleep in this room." Dad says. "Ok." I say and set my stuff on the bed.  "We will be staying at Liam's tonight but next week we will stay at my place. I have just bought a house over here and we are almost done moving everything in!" My dad states. I nod and I just stare at Dad for a minute and I realize he looks oddly familiar. "Dad um are you in One Direction by any chance?" I ask. He nods. "It is getting late you should go to sleep." He says. I nod and he leaves the room. I close the door and lock it and walk over to my bag. I get out my pajamas and put them on. I then get my toothpaste out and walk over to the bathroom and brush my teeth.

I unlock my door and go downstairs to say goodnight to Dad and Uncle Liam. "I can't tomorrow. It's my daughters birthday." I hear a pause and then Dad continues, he must be on the phone. "Fine Monday. I will see you then. Ok bye." Dad hangs up the phone and turns to me. "Uh hi I just came to say goodnight." "Goodnight sweetie." Dad says and gives me a hug. I walk upstairs and back to my room. I turn off the light and run into my bed.

I hope mum doesn't get to mad that I came with Dad. I really don't want to be grounded on my birthday. That would suck. My thoughts seem to wander off as I slowly fall asleep..


My eyes slowly flutter open as rays of light shimmer through the windows. I sit up and rub my eyes. I check the time and it is 10 o' clock. I remember it is my birthday and I smile. I am finally a teenager! I get out of bed and as I open my closed door I smell the aroma of bacon. Mmm bacon. I love bacon. BAcon, bacon, bacon I love bacon. I walk down the stairs and sniff my way to the area where the bacon is. I see dad in the kitchen and he is making some. "Happy Birthday Jessie!" I say thank you and I walk over to where dad is cooking the bacon and I take one off of a plate that has some completed ones.

"This is delicious!" I say with my mouth full. I sit down at the table and tap my fingers. Dad sets a plate of pancakes and bacon in front of me with a fork. He then sets some butter in front of me to and he sits down with  his breakfast. We both dig in and I am just so happy since I get to spend my 13th birthday with my dad!


"Ok So your mum and I talked and she wants me to bring you home around 3." Dad explains. "Why around 3? Will you get to stay?" I ask. "Actually you are going to stay home with Luna and Harley while your mum and I talk about the days you will be staying with us." He says. I nod my head and look  at the clock. It's 2:30. Shoot. "We should probably get going now, Your house isn't the closest ride." Dad says. I sigh and go upstairs to get my stuff. I open my door and grab my bag. Everything is already packed in it. I head downstairs and Dad is waiting near the front door holding the keys.

He opens the front door and I step outside into the chilly weather. I take a look at my surroundings and it is very green over here. The sky is cloudy and the sun peeks through the clouds. I Walk over to dads car and get in the front seat. I put my seat belt in and dad puts the keys in the ignition.

The ride is quiet as the radio softly plays in the background. I look out the window as we pass many houses with small lawns. What would it be like if Dad and Mum were still together? What would my life be like if Mum told Dad and they were happily married. I wish I knew but if they were Harley and Luna wouldn't be alive. I come back to reality as the cars stops. We are at my house already. That was quick. I open the door and hop out. Dad follows me to the front door as I open it. We walk into the living room and Mum is sitting on the couch watching tv. "Hey mum." I say. Her head flips around and she walks over to me and gives me a big hug. "Happy Birthday sweetie! I can't believe your a teenager!" She smiles. "Thanks mum." I say. Our hug disconnects and we both turn around. "Ok so watch Luna and Harley. I am going to talk to your dad about the legal issues ok?" I nod my head and they walk out the door. I plop on to the couch and change the channel to The Vampire Diaries. You could say I am obsessed.



We walk into the park and sit on the swings. "Remember when we used to come here for picnics?" I ask. Alex nods her head and looks at the ground. "I remember when you wanted to show me the song you guys were working on. 'What Makes You Beautiful' And you were strumming the guitar with a smile on your face staring at me. Then I heard a big splat and I looked at you and there was bird poop on your nose." We both laugh and just remembering these old memories makes me miss Alex even more. "Ok so anyway, I was thinking you could get Jessie on the weekends and I could get her during the week. We could switch off for the holidays." She says. "Ok that sounds great." I say. We get up from the swings and start to walk around. "Harry I just want you to know I am only doing this For Jessica." She looks at me and states, "Only For Jessica." I nod my head. "I knew you were gonna say something like that." I mumble.

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