Chapter 13

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"Harry can I please talk to you in the other room?" I question bitterly. He nods and stands up from the table as I guide him to the other room. I shut the door so nobody can hear us. "Before you say anything I just want to say that I know I should have told you but I had no contact with you and anyway you would have said no an-" "Shut it." I cut him off. He seems taken aback but I keep talking. "You can't just come into my house and act like nothing happened to us. Harry you shouldn't have come. Not tonight. Liam was supposed to meet my boy-'' "I get it." He closes his eyes. "All I wanted to see was my daughter. What you did was not right. You didn't leave me with any information. You just left me and you-you didn't tell me we ere having a child and you kept her from my whole life and I am not going to be away from her life any longer. I want custody of her on the weekends. That's all I am asking. If you say no I will take this to cour-" "Ok fine you can have custody for her on the weekends." I finally finish. "Alex I-I" He swallows. "I just wanna ask you one thing." I nod and he breaths, "Why did you leave?" "Harry when I found out, One Direction was getting big and I knew that it wouldn't be right if you gave all that up just for me and our baby. You were just a kid and so was I but I didn't want you to have to choose so I did it for you.  I left, I left and do I regret it? Yes sometimes I do" "Jessica I would have been there for you I might have just been a kid but I wouldn't have just left you." 

"How was I supposed to know? But Harry I did it for you, I did it for you because I loved you and I didn't want it to ruin your life. I didn't want to leave you without an explanation. I loved you so much and I had the hardest time leaving you and not saying goodbye or giving you one last hug or kiss. I did it for you and it was because I loved you so damn much my heart ached that entire year, most of my life! I didn't want to be on my own with a child at 18. I had nothing. I had to drop out of college, give up my whole outside life. It was all about Jessica and that is all I cared about. I wanted her to have a good life. It might not be as great as she wants it to be but its getting better and I am trying my best. It was just so hard." I can feel a tear run down my face and I quickly wipe it. I don't want Harry to think I'm weak. They keep streaming down my face and soon I break down. I feel Harry embrace me in a hug. Its not right I shouldn't be hugging him. But why? Why shouldn't I be hugging him? "We sho-should go back to them. They will probably think we are snogging in here." He chuckles and we let go of the hug and walk back into the other room.


After my talk with Alex we enjoy dessert. I am asked to go into the other room by Alex's new boyfriend Charley. "I don't like you being around Alex or Jessica." He states. "Why?" I ask. "I don't know well one maybe it is because you are still in love with my girlfriend." "How do you know that?" I interject. "Well maybe the fact that you have been looking for her since she left why else?" I push him up against the wall feeling his legs kick me as they dangle in the air. "Listen here you little prick,  You may have Alexandra's heart right but you nee to know that I will be in her life more often now. I am getting custody of Jessica on the weekends so don't expect me to be here one day and not the next.'' I let go of him and he drops to the floor. He fixes his tie and the punches me in the stomach. I clench my jaw and punch him in the nose. "Get out of my house." I whip around to see Alexandra shaking. "I said get out of my house." "Alex I." "She said get out of her house." Charley says holding on to his bloody nose. I probably broke it. Pretty boy isn't so pretty now hahe. I let out a deep breath and run a hand through my hair, "huhh ugh ok." "If dad leaves I leave." I turn to Jessica and I smile. "Jessica don't get into this. Say goodbye to your dad." Alexandra says sternly.

"No." she says and crosses her arms. "Jessica I swear-" "If dad leaves I leave." "Go upstairs. Now." "Fine." She comes over to me and gives me a hug. "Let me get my stuff I will meet you outside." She whispers. I nod and say, "OK it was nice seeing you Alex and not so nice meeting you." I say to Charley. "Liam lets go." "It was a pleasure meeting you." Liam says and shakes Charley's hand. "See you tomorrow sis." He says and gives Alex a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Oh yah see you tomorrow.'' I say and her jaw drops. I smirk and wave goodbye as I turn around and out the door.

"Liam Wait a second Jessica is coming." "WHAT?" Liam almost yells. "She said to go outside she would meet me out here. She only went upstairs to get her stuff."


I head down the stairs as quietly as I can. I go to the front door and slowly unlock it. As I slowly open the door it slams shut and I turn around. "What are you doing?" "Oh I was just going to dads car." I say. "To do what?" my mum asks. "To go home with him. Duhh" I Sass. I'm very sassy. "No you are not." "Well sorry I am." I say. I open the door and walk out. "JESSICA GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" My mum yells. I open the door to my dads car and get in and right before I close the door I hear mum say. "YOU GROUNDED AFTER YOU BIRTH-" I slam the door shut and that tunes her out. She slams the door shut with the angriest look she has ever had.  I put my seatbelt on and smile, "Ready!"



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