Chapter 17

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I sit on the couch and watch the vampire diaries. Dad made me change since my clothes weren't "nice enough" for meeting Selena for the first time. So I am now wearing light blue skinny jeans with rips in them and a red flannel. My hair is flat ironed and in a waterfall braid. I hear the door bell ring and my head whips around. I debate whether to get up and open the door or to stay on the couch for the last couple of moments I have and let dad do it. Meh I decide on the second one, less work for me. I hear dad open the door and greet Selena. My view is cut off from the screen when dad and Selena stand in front of it. Selena is wearing a red dress that is a tiny bit above her knees. Her hair is flat ironed and her makeup is flawless! "Jessie, this is Selena, Selena this is Jessica my daughter." He says. I stand up and say, "Nice to meet you" with a smile plastered on to my face. "It's nice to meet you to! Wow you look so much like your dad! Your gorgeous!" She exclaims! "Uh Thanks! Your pretty too!" I say. I never really know how to respond to compliments, I just become an awkward mess...

"So dinner is almost ready let's go to the dining room." Dad says. We follow him to the dining room and sit down in our seats. "I will be back in a few minutes, I need to bring the stuff out!" He says. He walks away and now its just me and Selena. Sitting awkwardly. At a table. With no noise what so ever. Until she interrupts the silence. "So Jessica how old are you?" She asks. "I'm 13." I respond. "So you are in 7th grade?" I nod my head. "So what do you like to do for fun?" She asks. "Well I love taking pictures, making scripts, acting, and editing! I got everything I needed for that for my my birthday a couple of days ago so I am really excited!" I say. "Wow that's so cool! It's always great to see that some kids are actually doing creative stuff not like others who are on instagram all day." She smiles. "Yeah I'm nothing like them. I recently got all this stuff so I am not really familiar with all this technology stuff my mum was poor so I had a cheap a- phone." I almost slipped the A word. That would have been bad. "But your dad is Harry Styles!" "I know but I just recently met him! My mum kept me away from him because she didn't want him to give up his dream career just for us." I sigh. "I understand." She says. Dad soon comes back and brings all the food and we start eating.


"Bye Jessie! Behave for Louis!" Dad says as he closes the door. I walk over to the couch and sit down and Louis follows me. "So Noah will be here soon Eleanor will be dropping him off. The rest of my kids are at home." He explains. I nod my head and look at my phone. 2 more hours 2 more hours...

"Uh I'm hungry." I complain rubbing my hand over my stomach. "Didn't you just eat?" Louis asks. "Yes but I'm still hungry. That food did not make me full." I say. "Wanna order pizza?" Louis smirks. "Well... YES!" I yell. Louis takes his phone out of his pocket and calls Dominoes. Best pizza place ever! The door bell rings and I whisper, "I'll get it." Louis nods and I fast walk to the door and open. Standing before me is a girl about Louis's age who has wavy brown hair cascading down her back with a very stylish outfit. Next to her is a boy and let me add, a very hot boy with brown hair, hazel eyes, is very tall maybe 5'5, and a very hot outfit. "Oh you must be Jessica! Hi!" The lady embraces me in a hug. "Oh and this is my son Noah! Oh and I'm Eleanor!" She smiles. Noah is looking at me weirdly like there is something on my face. "Hi well I'm Jessica.... Wait you already knew that." I laugh, "Come in." They walk inside and Louis is still on the phone. "I said a cheese pizza." He said extra slowly. "Ok thank you." He hangs up and says, "Jeez people need to learn how to talk on the phone. Hi Noah, hi Eleanor!" He says. Hi give Noah a hug and Eleanor one to but kisses her. "Ok so I have to go home to put the kids to sleep so see you soon!" I wave goodbye as she walks out the door. Its quiet for a moment but Noah breaks the silence. "So Jessica, how old are you?" He asks. "13." I quickly respond. "Really? Me too! Are you in 7th grade?" He asks. I nod my head and the door rings. "PIZZA IS HERE!" Louis Yells as he gallops to the door. "IS your dad always like that?" I ask. "Pretty much.." He says.



I jump into my bed and lay there staring at the pitch black ceiling thinking about what it would be like if Alex was still mine. It's really hard loving someone knowing they don't love you back. It breaks your heart into a billion pieces but the pain never stops if they are the one for you. My heart is still crumbling and i can't make it stop no matter how hard I try. I want to be the one to make her laugh and even the one to make her cry. I want to hold her tight when we are falling asleep and I want to know she is happy with me. Though I know she will never feel the way that I feel about her. She loves Charlie, not me and there is nothing I can do to stop it. I need to make her fall in love with me again and I will do anything to make Alex mine.

Harry Styles is my dad [discontinued]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora