Chapter 20

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I just realized i have 10 thousand reads! Thank you guys so much for reading my story! It means a lot! I hope you guys enjoy the chapter!



"Ok so sit down right there Alex." The photographer James says. "Kelly bring the the cameleon!" Kelly sets the cameleon my knee that is propped up. I do a bunch of different poses until he says that he has enough photos and to go get changed into my next outfit. For my next outfit i am wearing a long sleeved red crop top and a pair of shorts. My hair is wavy and my makeup is the same. I walk back to the set and i am directed to stand in front of a red background. i do a bunch of poses and once i am done i am directed to change into my last outfit which is a black dress with my hair curled. This is a spy look. Again, i go to where they direct me do a lot more poses until they think they have the perfect shot. "That's a wrap! I'll see all of you tomorrow at 12!" He says.

I go to my dressing room and change back into my regular clothes. As i am about to walk the door i hear my name being called and i turn around to see Dawn, the designer of all the clothes i am mdoeling. "Yes?" I ask Dawn. "Alex you did a great job today! Depending on how you do the rest of the week i might let you keep all the outfits you modeled! Also if the magazine that you are on the cover on sells a lot i might even ask you to model more of my desigms!" She says. "Okay! Thank you so much for this oppurtunity by the way!" "Bye Alex." I wave goodbye and exit the building. I can't believe Dawn thinks i am good, that i might get to keep the clothes i am modeling, and i am going to be on the cover of the magazine I'm modeling for! This is great! I've always wanted to do this and I'm so thankful that Charlie is helping me. Without him I would still be living in that horrid apartment and babysitting.

I leave the building and get into my rental car. I drive to my hotel and park the car. I then get out and walk into the hotel and get into the elevator so I can go to my room. Once it reaches the fourth floor I get out and walk to my room. I get out my card key and put it in the slot and the door open.i walk I and put my key away and when I look up, my bed has gift baskets, new clothes, shoes, and much more. I see a card and pick it up to read it.

You did a great job today! Keep up the good work!

- James

I smile and put the card down.


I toss and turn trying to get comfortable but I just can't fall back to sleep. I woke up when I heard a loud thunder and I've been having trouble going back to sleep sense. Maybe some tea will help me sleep. I get out of my bed and walk down the stairs quietly. I walk over to the kitchen and fill up a coffee cup with really hot water. I then go to the pantry and pick which type of tea I want. I put in water and wait for the flavor to come out of the leaves. Once it looks ready I take the thing that's holding the leaves out and throw it away. I add some honey and take a sip. "mmh" I whisper. It's soo good. I walk out of the kitchen and start to walk up the stairs.

"Jessie?" I turn around and see my dad at the bottom of the stairs. "Hi." I say "What are you doing up?" he asks. "Oh I couldn't sleep so i made myself a cup of tea. I can't go back to sleep without it." "Just like your mum." he whispers. "What are you doing up?" I ask. "I couldn't sleep either so I decided to come down here and write some songs. My room was to dark and there was already some candles lit down here so I decided to come down here to write instead." "Oh well I'm gonna go back to my room and try to sleep." he nods and he walks away I go up the stairs and enter my room.

I put my cup down on my bedside table and when I go to lay down I see Bella in my spot. I go to pick her up and she try's to bite me. "Hey. That's not very nice Bella." I pick her up again and she paws me. "No." I say. I try to pick her up again and this time she doesn't bite me. I get in my bed and take a sip of my tea. I then lay back down and snuggle with Bella. I hear thunder again and I hear Bella whimper. I pick her up and move her next to me so we can cuddle. She licks my nose and I giggle. I love Bella so much...


I wake up to the sound of lightning. I yawn and as i sit up i feel an ache in my back. I open my eyes and realize i fell asleep on the chair in the living. Ugh great. I check my phone and see that it is 7:00 am. Geez it is really early. I should go back to sleep but before i try to sleep, I should check if the power is working yet. I go to the tv and yep it's working, but it is quite staticy. (If that is even a word) I turn the tv off and walk away. I start to walk up the stairs to my bedroom and i hear music playing at the end of the hallway. I walk down there and knock on the door. "Selena? Can i come in?" I ask. "Uh-huh.

" I open the door and see Selena sitting on the bed looking at her phone listening to One Direction music. My music. I smirk and when she looks up she widens her eyes and quickly turns off the music. I chuckle and walk over to the bed and sit on it. "So did you sleep okay?" I ask. "Yeah, the lightning woke me up a few times but i was easily able to fall back to sleep." She smiles. "That's good." "Did you sleep well?" She asks. "Um not really. I fell asleep for maybe 3 hours then i woke up and i could'nt fall back to sleep. So i went down stairs and took me song writing book and just tried to write some songs. I fell asleep on the chair by accident and now my back is killing me." "Oh that sucks." she says, "Yeah." I sigh. "Well i am gonna go try and go back to sle-" A loud thud of lightning interupts my sentence and i see Selena jump a little. "Are you okay?" I ask, "Yeah it's just- know what it's fine." "No tell me." I say. "It's just that i am kinda scared of lighthing." She says as she looks down embarresed. "Are you gonna be ok here alone?" i ask. "Yeah, I will be fine." "Are you sure?" I question. "I"m postive. Now go back to sleep!" Selena chuckles as she playfully pushes me.

I exit her room and i enter my own. I lay in my un-made bed and try to figure out the most comfotable possition. Once i finally get comfortable. I close my eyes and just think. My mind some how wanders to Alex and i just think, "What if? What if she had told me and stayed. What if she never left me?" Would One Direction not have been as much of a success of all the fans knew i was a teen dad? Would have the band split up quicker? Maybe what Alex did was for the better. No it couldn't have been for the better. I know she was just trying to help me but all it really did was break me. It broke my heart to pieces and now that i have finally found her, she doesn't want me. Did i do soemthing wrong, or has she just moved on? I don't know but i wish i did. In the middle of all these thoughts my mind starts to calm and soon all i see is darkness.

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