Chapter 11

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Today Liam is coming over to meet my mums boyfriend. Tomorrow is my birthday so he will also be here for that. I hear a knock at my door and I yell, "Come in!" My mum walks into the room carrying a pile of clothes. "Ok so Liam will be here in a hour and a half so get ready! Charlie will be here in an hour because he wants to help us get ready. Oh and I was thinking that you could curl your hair and have a half up half down with a bow in the back so we could twin!" My mum smiles. "Sure and okay I will get ready!" I don't really want to "twin" with my mum but if it makes her happy I will do it. I first put all my clothes away and head over to the closet. I first grab my under garments and start to look through my clothes. I decide on a shirt that says, "Cray" in a cartoon bubble in black writing. It is a sweater so the sleeves are black and the rest of it is white. I grab a pair of my black jegging and put them on my chair. I strip off my clothes and put the new ones on. I don't need to shower because I took one last night.

I walk over to the bathroom and take out my curling iron and plug it in. As I wait for it to heat I get out a brush, hair spray, styling spray, a small ponytail, and my black lace bow. I take out my braid and brush my hair. As soon as I am done I start to curl my hair. This part takes forever!

Once I am done I take the front of my hair except for my side bangs and put it in a ponytail in the back. I get my bow and place it in the correct position and I admire my work. I unplug the curling iron and put it back in the drawer. I also put the hair spray, styling spray, and brush away too. I get out my powder and brush and put a tiny bit on to make me look more awake because I am exhausted. I then put on loads of mascara and curl my eyelashes. Since I am ready I decide to check on Luna.

I walk out of my room and walk into hers. As I walk in I hear small whimpers. I quickly look around and I find Luna on the floor sobbing with the flat iron plugged in. "What's wrong?" I ask. "I-I I can't flat iron my hair. its to hard and I burned ma-my hand." She sobs. "Ok lets first stand up and put your hand under cold water. Would you like me to do your hair?"I ask. She nods and I turn the faucet on so she can put her hand under the cold water.

Picking up the flat iron, I start to straighten each section of her hair until it is completely straight. I then get the hairspray and I tell her to cover her eyes. I get her pink bow that brings a pop of color to her outfit. "And done." I say as I carefully place the pink bow into her hair. I smile at Luna as she gives me a big hug and says thank you so many times I lost count.

As I hear the doorbell ring I slightly jog down the stairs and open the door for Charlie. "You look lovely Jessica." He compliments me. "Thank You." I say. "Um my mum is still getting ready soo-" "It's fine I will go knock on her door." he smirks and walks past me. Umm ok that was weird.....  30 more minutes until you see Liam. 30 more minutes!


I finish putting my light pink bow in my hair as arms wrap around me. "Hi baby." Charlie whispers into my ear. I smile at the floor and turn around. I peck his lips and turn back around. I get my makeup bag and open it up. I put some powder on and then eyeliner. I put on mascara and top my look off with my baby lips an I'm ready to see Liam! I haven't seen him for awhile so when he gets breaks we always see each other. "Done! Lets go downstairs and start making dinner." I smile. He nods and we walk downstairs.

I take the chicken out of the refrigerator and put it in the pan. I rub it with butter, salt, and garlic and I stick it in the oven. Charlie is making the salad so I will make the rice which takes two minute to prepare.

"Baby I am done making the salad." Charlie says as he walks over to me. "Ok I'm done with the rice so maybe we can take a break." I say as I twirl my hair with my finger. He smashes his lips to mine and our kiss gets heated quickly. His tongue swipes my bottom lips asking for entrance but I deny. I feel his arm grip my was as he slightly squeezes causing me to squeal as he slips his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues fight for dominance.


"Mum Liam will be here soon." I tell her. I look up from the floor and Charlie and Mum are snogging. Bleh. (Insert Brent Rivera's voice." uhhmmmmmm dat's wrong.. "Ok then.'' I say as I slowly walk out of the room. I hope they didn't see me that would have been extremely awkward. I hate awkward situations I never know what to say when they happen. I just stand there with my mouth open and wide eyes saying "Ughh I gotta go ya ok bye."  Right as I sit down the doorbell rings and I see my mum run over to the door and I  follow. She opens the door. And In front of me the person I never thought I would se stands before me.


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