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Marina's POV:

Jack hardly got out of bed. I didn't blame him. Things had been so somber for the first month. Tons of rain, as if the sky was mourning Jennifer as much as Jack was. Things weren't easy, but Alex and I had enough strength to carry Jack and Max, so we did.

Once June rolled around, things were great. The sun shun brighter than ever before. Every day felt like it was a gift. Jack finally started to smile again. And the boys, they were getting so big. Max loved to squirm and smile. He had no idea his mother had ever died. Peter was quiet. He still observed the world around him as if it were new. 

This morning, I was awake before all four of the boys. Max had been sleeping with Jack, who kept some of my milk in his room just in case. I was wondering around the kitchen, wondering what to make the boys before they both headed to work. Alex had a promotional meeting and Jack was interviewing new DJs for the club. I had recently been asked to write a monthly column for Alternative Press about balancing motherhood and rockstar-hood. Many fans were moved by the article I submitted after Jennifer's passing, all the things I wished I had said and everything I promise I will do for Max. I looked around the fridge again. When in doubt, quiche it out.

I started to mix the eggs and seasonings into a bowl. I recently recieved a cake pan from Alex's mother that was super deep, so I could make deeper, fluffier quiche. The boys loved it (the older boys). I popped it in the oven and poured myself a little tea and brewed coffee for the sleepy heads. I sat at the counter and checked twitter. All the usual. Suddenly, I heard the faintest sound of a bed crunching. "C'mere, little shit." 

I heard footsteps trudge down the hall. A kiss hit my cheek. "Goodmorning, my beautiful sunshine. I think Peter is our son. He woke up as the smell of quiche wafted into the room."

"Like father like son." I turned my face to see Alex in a white t-shirt and Ravens pants. He had Peter rested over his shoulder. It was such a beautiful picture.

"God you are just stunning." Alex broke the stare. He kissed my forehead. "And I'm not just saying that because you made me breakfast."

"I know, baby." I smiled at him. "Bend down a little more." 

He bent down to meet me where I was sitting. I pressed my lips lightly into his, taking in the whole moment, morning breath and all. He smiled. I smiled. "I want the little one too."

"He's the little shit, a-thank you." Alex corrected. "And no. He's mine. You have to take that outta the oven first."

I huffed and got up, opening the oven. Perfect. I removed the quiche and let it cool on the stovetop. "I wanna wait for Jack to wake up. We should eat as a family. I don't know how much longer we'll be one."

"Jack will always be family. He just won't live here." Alex replied, sitting in the recliner with the babe.

"But what about all those little things? You guys waking up and shooting the shit. Me kissing him and Max goodnight. All of our meals together." I reminisced on the past month. 

Alex took a deep exhale. "This is about Max, isn't it?"

"It's about Jack too, but yes, it's about Max." It felt so unfair that this other son I had been caring for, feeding straight from my chest beside my own son, could suddenly not be mine anymore. No more grocery shopping trips with the double stroller. The second carseat would be taken from my car. Peter would be taking his naps all alone.

"Marina," Alex sat up as I walked to sit on his lap. "He won't be gone. You'll still be caring for him during the day I'm sure. Jack would love to take him to work, but they'd never let him, so he's all yours. He's still gonna be your baby boy."

Missing You (Sequel to Somewhere In Neverland)Where stories live. Discover now