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Alex's POV:

Sweet November. Soccer season was over, Thanksgiving was coming soon, the Christmas spirit was approaching quickly. I was very excited.

For an update on the kids: Jimmy was still riding the bus every day with a girl named Charlotte who lived down the street. They were "dating", or as much as two 11 year olds could date. She came over on occasion and they would watch Doctor Who or Supernatural in the living room, where I could supervise. Jimmy had always been a little bit lonely, so I liked that he had a best friend. Plus, they were adorable.

Stella was just as defiant as any other 13 year old girl. She was going through her punk rock phase, wearing too much eyeliner and not enough pants. She was always blasting Bring Me The Horizon in her bedroom. She was always excited to see Peter's band. She had a crush on about ten different boys, most of which were in bands, who I actually personally knew. Gross. But she was keeping up her grades and still hanging out with good kids, so I wasn't concerned.

Brian was growing up way too fast. He had his learner's permit now, and was going to his first parties with his friends. I was pretty sure he was starting to experiment in sex, too. But I trusted him. He was turning sixteen this month.

Tucker lived with us now. No more coke. He got a job at the local pizza place. He was still smoking like a chimney, but he was very good about going elsewhere to do so. He didn't look so skinny anymore. No one had hit him in months. He fixed his car. I was so proud.

Max was over all the time, with Jack. They had been butting heads a lot lately. I hoped it would end soon. Peter and I had our bumps, but we never resented each other quite as much as those two did. I couldn't understand it, either. Max was so responsible and always so grateful for everything Jack did. Maybe there was some underlying conflict I didn't know about.

Peter had been busy. He got his band a spot to play at a local dive bar every Saturday night. Stella dragged her friends. They gained a real following. Meanwhile, he broke up with his girlfriend Angel and was crushing hard on some Freshman named Jane, who played saxophone in his section. He was gaining so much responsibility and I was very, very proud.

On this particular night, the kids were all pretty busy. After dinner, Charlotte came over and watched a movie with Jimmy. I swear they were holding hands. Stella went to her friend's house for a middle school dance and sleepover. Brian was going to Jake's house for a study group. Tucker had left early to go buy some pot for a house party all the band kids were going to. Peter had just left to go pick up Jane and go to said house party. Marina was in bed. Charlotte just left (and Jimmy walked her home, what a gentleman). I was drinking a beer and watching TV.

Peter said he wouldn't be home until late, but I couldn't sleep without him home. Tucker wouldn't be coming home tonight. Brian was supposed to be home an hour ago.

I saw headlights in the driveway. A figure came to my porch, threw up over the side, and opened the door. They were trying to be sneaky. I wondered which one of my billion children it could be. I was shocked. Tall, black curly hair, blue eyes. The one I least suspected.

"Brian? How did studying go?" I could smell cheap liquor and really cheap pot on him.

"It was great." He stumbled. "I didn't know you would still be up."

"I'm waiting for your brother. What class did you study for?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Bio." He tried walking away.

"That's funny, you took bio last year. You wanna tell me where you really were, and why you're an hour late?" I followed him.

"I told you, studying. Jake's house." He was frustrated, I could tell.

Missing You (Sequel to Somewhere In Neverland)Where stories live. Discover now