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Alex's POV:

As I locked the house, I felt a sense of uneasiness. "Marina, I'm not so sure this is such a good idea. You know there's gonna be alcohol and pot everywhere. And people making reckless decisions. Maybe we should send the kids to a summer camp instead. There's still time."

"Alex, do you want our kids to be pussies?" Marina asked.

"Well, no, but-"

"You said it yourself, Warped puts hairs on a chest." She interrupted. "All summer the kids are gonna be loading shit on and off stage. Would you prefer they make fucking macrame and play kick the can?"

I sighed. "You're always right."

"It comes with having a vagina." 

(A/N: I just put that line in there because of an inside joke with real life Kianna today at lunch. Don't be offended)

We loaded up the cab, went to the airport, and flew out to our bus for the first day of Warped Tour.

The buses between the bands would be pretty well divided. On my bus is my family, plus tucker, Jack, Max, and Rian. On another bus is the Merricks, Perrys, and Hemmings. We thought about putting the kids on one, adults on the other, but they're still just not old enough for that. I mean, Peter is only 15 for christ's sake. 

We all walked on. Our bus had four big bunks and six normal bunks. I saw Peter jump in a big one. "Nah-ah. Grown ups get the big ones." I sat my duffle in the bunk.

"Aw, c'mon dad! Don't you want my first experience touring to be as accurate as possible?" He argued.

"Precisely. So into the small bunk you go." I motioned.

He got out and chose a middle bunk, right below Tucker. Max chose the bottom one. On the other side, from top to bottom, it went: Brian, Stella, Jimmy. They were tossing in their bags and making their beds as I made Marina and I's. We decided we would use one of our bunks as a junk bunk so we could still sleep together. She stood at the entrance of the hall.

"Alright, guys. A few first day bus rules. First off, no pooping in the toilet. There are bags under the sink if you need to hotbag." She began.

"What's hot bagging?" Jimmy asked.

"Lining the toilet with a bag. Do your buisness, toss it out the window." I said.

"That's fucking disgusting." Stella crossed her arms.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. We may be on warped, but you're still eleven. No F word yet." Marina scolded. "The front lounge is for adults. I'll be doing all the cooking and relaxing and buisnessy stuff in there. If you're gonna chill out, the back lounge is all yours, and no adults will be going in there to disturb you. We've also decided that this will be the boy's bus for all your bro time and showers, and the other bus will be the girl's bus where we have ladies' nights and take our showers and do our laundry. Is everybody on the same page?"

There were collective nods. "Question:" I spoke. "What about when I shower with you?"

The kids all ewed. Marina just blushed. "Girl's bus. For the most part, everyone should be out having fun. All the day passes will be out on the bulletin board as well as both scheduels. Other than that, we're all set. Any questions? No? Okay. Be back in time for bus call."

Everyone ran out into the scene. All four of us adults wandered outside to find a completely different atmosphere than the last. These bands here were so new. Usually, we wander outside to find all of our friends. I mean, some bands here were older, but not many. I mean, at least we had the family, though. And the fans who were so old now that they were starting families of their own. 

Missing You (Sequel to Somewhere In Neverland)Where stories live. Discover now