Chapter Six

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Not edited.

I don’t really like this chapter but please tell me what you think.

Chapter Six

Slowly I woke up not sure where I was or what had happened. Everything was white, the bed, the blankets, the walls. I guessed I was in the hospital. Great. 

My throat burned. 

As much as I tried to remember what exactly had happened. I couldn't. 

The last thing I remember is Bentley yelling at me. Telling me know one loved me. Thinking back I guess I sort of deserved that, I knew that I was a bitch to him. But that doesn't mean I'm going to change. I know boys like him, they pull you in, make it seem like they love you and then they break your heart.

If I let him close he was going to hurt me, so the best thing to do is to push him out like I have been doing. 

It was only a few seconds before a nurse came in. She smiled when she saw that I was awake and told me that the doctor would be there soon to explain everything to me. 

"Lexi how are you feeling?" The doctor asked looking down at his clip broad. 

"Fine, except my throat hurts," 

"That's understandable; do you remember what happened to you?" I shook my head. "Well you seemed to of had an extremely dangerous amount of alcohol. You were found unconscious and brought here. We pumped your stomach and gave you some medication. "

Crap. No wonder my throat hurt. 

"Can I go home now?" I asked with pleading eyes.

"Yes but you must rest." I nodded relieved and sat up when another question came to mind. "Who brought me here?" 

"A young boy about your age, Blonde hair," he’s shrugged before leaving. 


I couldn't of been how the hell would he have gotten into the house. And why would he have been there in the first place.

That boy was really doing my head in. 

Grabbing my cloths I pulled of my hospital gown and switched them. Tying my hair into a messy ponytail I hurried down the halls wanting to get as far away as possible from this horrible place. 

A taxi dropped me back at the gates were I got the security guard to pay him before heading back to the house. Everything looked immaculate. 

It was cleaner then the cleaners every left it, 

I continued making my way along the bottom floor until I reached the kitchen. Sitting at the counter eating an apple was none other then the blonde headed Holly Stuart. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked sitting opposite her. She smirked at me before taking another bite of her apple. 

"I came to see if you were home, you weren't so I decided that I might as well clean up while I wait,"

"Well thanks." Leaning against the counter I wondered weather or not I should ask her about her brother. I mean I didn't want things to be awkward by saying anything but also I wasn’t one to keep quiet. Deciding I might as well ask I raised my head to see her already starring at me. "Did your brother take me to the hospital?"

Slowly she nodded.

"What was he doing here?" I asked. She frowned and I could practically imagine the wheels in her ticking over as she thought about what to say.

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