The Powers of the British Coven

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Okay this is not an update but if you were confused about what powers each of the characters have then this will explain. 

Normal Vampire abilities: Speed, Strength, Compulsion

Special Powers: 

Isabella: Psychic Electrokinesis - Isabel can jolt blue electric currents from her body, most of the time her hands. It is similar to Elle Bishop's power in Heroes and Kate's power in Breaking Dawn part 2

Harry: Precognition - Harry can see the past and future but he can not change it or tell if the future will come true of not.

Louis: Telepathy - Louis can read vampire and human minds, he can also communicate with them through mind messaging.

Niall: Pathokinesis - Niall can feel they emotions of his prey and can also change their emotions, see their hopes, dreams, and desires. It is similar to Jasper Hale's  power in Twilight but not quite.

Zayn: Pain Illusion -  Zayn can cause inner pain in his victims. Similar to Jane's power in Twilight Saga but not quite.

Liam: Mental Shield -  Liam can project a shield to protect his allies.

Rose: Sense Deprivation - Rose can block all senses of her prey, similar to Alec's in Twilight Saga but she can touch them in stead of black smoke. 


I did not steal the ideas of their powers from Twilight, I made my own ideas from inspiration of these vampire stories, not steal.

On the side is Isabel's eye color when she is using her powers

P.S. If you were wondering if they can go into the sun or not. Yes they can go in sun it just weakens them at the brightest point of the day.

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