Authors Note

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Hey guys so you probably hate my guts. I have been stuck with this story, and you are going to hate me even more for this but my story stops here. It will have a cliff hanger and its your job as readers infer what happens. I'm really sorry, I have realized that this story really sucks. I am still trying to strengthen my writing skills and I think this was more of a rough story. It didn't have edger plot points and didn't make sense at all. Please forgive me. If you liked my story then read my new story 'Kiss Me Under the Stereo'. The story is a punk or dark Niall fan fiction, it has a lot more detail and is over all way better than this story. I wrote this story in the 8th grade and I was over loaded with thoughts of One Direction as vampires, I was biting more than I could chew with this story I guess. Again I am so sorry I'm doing this but I didn't want to keep all of you going if there wasn't going to be anything else left.

 New update 9/1/14: My new story Addiction is up, please read it!

I'm so sorry. 

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