Chapter 9 - Your Mine Now

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Isabel's POV:

I woke up to a weight on my waist, I turned around to the my other side and saw that that weight was Harry's arm. I smiled at his appearance, he was lying on his side facing me. His curls were scattered over the pillow, his dark eyelashes feathered is cheekbones, his pink lips slightly open. He was beautiful even in his sleep. Since he was shirtless, you could see his perfectly chiseled abs that God made himself. His tattoos covered his body, black and white ink contrasted beautifully on his vampire pale skin that was slightly tan since vampires are at our 'palest' when we are in 'vampire mode'.

"I know your staring at me babe." he brought me out of my trance, his eyes were still closed and he had his signature smirk on his face.

"Shut up" I said turning my head to the pillow so he couldn't see my crimson colored cheeks.

"Your so cute" he said in his morning low, husky voice pulling me closer to him.

"No I'm not" I teased still blushing, damn I need to control my blushing.

"Your so adorable when you blush" he said pull my chin up to his direction.

"Come on, lets make breakfast" I said pulling him up but no avail, he is a lot stronger than me.

"Ten more minutes" he mumbled snuggling into me and nuzzling his had in the crook of my neck and kissing it.

"Okay but only ten minutes" I giggled cuddling closer that was possible, he snaked his arm around me holding the small on my back.

"Hey Isabel, can I ask you something?" he asked pulling his head from my neck and resting his chin on my shoulder.

"What?" I asked, what was he going to ask?

"Umm...Isabel...will you be my girlfriend?" he ask, it sounded like he was nervous about my answer. What was my answer, Harry is caring and gentle yet protective and tough. He said last night that I was a angel in his eyes even though I was a blood sucking demon from hell.

"Yes" I smiled at him.

"Really?" he smiled showing thoughts dimples I melted over.

"Yes Harry, Really" I said rolling my eyes playfully.

Instead of saying anything else he just crashed his lips to mine, I didn't hesitate at all. It was full on passion like our other ones, every time I kiss Harry its like atom bombs go off in my body. I was so happy that I said yes or well I was happy he asked, I really lo-like him. One thing I don't like is that vampires have enhanced emotions so its hard to think if you like or love a person. That's my problem, I just met him but I am falling hard for the curly haired idiot but for now I'm living the life I always wanted, human life except the fact I'm dead.

Our lips moved in sync, his swollen lips were so soft and luscious. I was so happy and excited for some weird reason, I think it was the butterflies in my stomach because times it by 10 and that's how I felt. As our lips moved I felt a twitch and suddenly felt a spark of electricity go through my mouth. I noticed that I had sparked a electric current through my mouth and into the kiss. I'm guessing it shocked Harry because he pulled back suddenly not knowing what it was.

"I'm sorry, I just got a little excited and it came out" I said hastily looking down.

"Its alright Isabel, it was kind of fun." He started to laugh which made me laugh as well, I didn't know what came over me.

"Come on, lets go make breakfast" he said pulling me up with him only in his boxers, but I didn't mind. We went down stairs and walked into the kitchen only to see Rose with a cappuccino in her hands and a smirk on her face.

"What?" I asked which made her grin even more.

"Did the happy couple sleep well?" she asked taking another sip of her coffee.

"Shut up" I said blushing and turning to hide my face in Harry's chest, he laughed and pulled me into a hug.

"Aww you guys are so cute." she gushed, then all of the sudden the door bell rang. Rose went up to go get it.

I was now in the kitchen with Harry, watching him make pancakes. Rose came back skipping to the kitchen and to the refrigerator. I turned around and saw Niall there, oh yeah I forgot about Rose's date she had with Niall. I smiled and went up to Niall and hugged him, I was closer to him then the other boys except for Louis and Harry.

"Hey Nialler" I said.

"Hey Baby Doll, I heard you and Harry got a little heated last night." he smirked at me and then looked at Harry, only one person could of told him that. Rose.

"Shut up blue eyes, and as for you" I pointed to Rose.

"I don't think you want me to tell you about what I heard last night when I went to sleep." I warned her, last night when I was about to sleep I heard Rose gush to herself about how much she liked Niall. I couldn't help but laugh at her sleep talking.

"I'm good." she said quickly and ran to hug Niall, they would make a cute couple like me and Harry.

"Ready to go?" Niall asked Rose.

"Yep" she said popping out the 'p'.

"Where are you guys going?" I asked.

"To a café then I have some other things planned" Niall answered and they went off in vampire speed to the front door to leave. Who knows what they have planned.  

I walked back to Harry and hugged him from behind, he turned abound and pulled me up to him. "Your mine now" he said in a low, deep voice. Then kissed me, I was his and he was mine.


Hey guys so I didn't know what to do for this chapter so its short, sorry. BTW HAPPY 3rd YEAR ANNIVERSARY 1D! And have you seen BEST SONG EVER video, it is amazing! I love it and I pulled some inspiration from that video for this chapter, well just the Harry part..................I have strong Harry feels that are unexplainable because of that video. 

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