Chapter 16 - Midnight Talk

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Isabel's POV:

I look around the room and see Danielle and Perrie cuddled up together on the couch, Eleanor sprawled out on the floor in front of Dani and Perrie, and Rose laying down next to me on the floor. Everyone was past out except for me. I had a craving that wouldn't go away, of course blood would fix it but I guess human food will have to work. I pull the blanket to Rose and rise from my position I was lying in, I tip toe out of the room and into Louis and El's bedroom. I turn my head to see Lou cured up on Eleanor's side, almost like he thought she was there but she was actually passed out on the ground. I close the door of their bedroom and walk passed Liam's room to see he is sleeping on his bed too and see Zayn sleeping on Li's love seat with a Xbox controller on his chest. I mentally chuckle in my head and make my way down the stairs, its dark and I see blankets sprawled out on the L shaped couch. I can't see anyone because its so dark so I try my best to make my way to the kitchen without waking anyone up that is down here. I succeed and pull the cupboard open to spot some Oreos, in all the years I've lived I think Oreos is on the top of my list of best inventions in the world.

I grab the Oreo bag and place it on the island with my back facing the kitchen door. I grab my first oreo and stuff it in my mouth, I love the white cream that is stuffed in the middle.

"What are you doing?" I jump at the voice behind me, I turn to see a laughing Niall behind me.

"Really, you had to scare me?" I whisper/yell at him which made him laugh even more, I roll my eyes and place my hand on his shoulder and shocked him which made him stop and poke me back with a slightly softer shock.

"So why are you up?" I ask jumping and sitting on the island, placing another oreo in my mouth.

"I came to eat my oreos." he said pointing to the oreos that are in front of me.

"Not yours anymore." I tease putting another oreo in my mouth.

Niall chuckles and sits on the island across from me, we sit there awhile just eating oreos.

"So, are you scared for the big fight we are having with Eve?" he asked breaking the silence.

"No not really because I have you guys with me, but I'm a little worried about her 'protector'. The protector is suppose to do everything is his power to kill me." I answer casually, he nods.

"Did you have any siblings before you turned?" I asked, he tenced but relaxed in a mater of seconds.

"Yeah, I had a older brother named Greg. He was a great brother, he married a women named Denise and had a boy named Theo. I miss them a lot." he said looking in deep thought.

"Did you have any siblings?" he asked, I swallowed the lump in my throat that was build up at the thought of Jonathan.

"Yeah, I have a older brother named Jonathan." I simply said looking down.

"Wait did you say 'have'?" he asked, I look up and see a very confused Niall.

"Yeah, after I turned I came back to Doncaster and saw him dying. I thought it would be good to turn him and save his life so at least we had each other." I say thinking of the day I turned him.

"Where is he now?" he asked.

"When I turned him I tried to make him drink animal blood like me but he wanted different. He told me that he would rather die or become a real vampire instead of a weak one since that's what I gave him. He basically misunderstood the reason of turning him, he thinks that we are all monster and that since he is one not why not try to be the worse of them. I haven't seen him since, the last words he said was 'I hate you'." I explain having a tear roll down my cheek remembering all the good memories we had together.

"Come here" Niall said motioning me to come into his open arms. I craw into them and he wraps his arms around me like a protective brother would.

"Just because your real brother hates you doesn't mean that your vampire brother hates you." he whispers in my ear, rocking us back and forth.

"He isn't my brother anymore, you and Louis are my only brothers now. The other boys, the girls, Louis, You and Harry are my true family." I say pulling away from the hug and looking at him.

"Your right and we will stay a family, we all have had our families ripped from us and I think we all deserve a family." he responds.

"I'm going to bed now, thank you Ni. I love you younger brother."' I joked which made him chuckle.

"Okay, I love you too Baby Doll." he gave me one last hug and I walked out of the kitchen and back upstairs.

I slowly open the bedroom door to my and Harry's room, Harry is laying on his side of the bed looking so peaceful.

"I know your awake." I say smiling at the boy in font of me.

He smiles with his eyes still close, "I missed you." he says finally opening his eyes and spreading his arms out for me to enter. I laugh at his childness and crawl over to the bed, once I'm there Harry pulls me to his side and snuggles with me. I nuzzle my head in his chest and hear his heartbeat but of course I don't hear a thing, all I hear is a hollow chest with a heart that is paralyzed just like mine.

"I didn't know you had a brother." Harry says.

"You were ease dropping?" I raise my head to look at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry, its just you guys were the only ones up and its the only thing I could here in the house well except Zayn's snores." he says looking down at me.

"Its alright, I feel so bad for turning him. It was the worst mistake I ever made, Jonathan never wanted this." I say pointing to my not grown fangs and purple eyes (my eyes turn purple when I'm not hungry but is in vampire stage, Red (normal vampire eye color) + Blue (my special eye color) = Purple).

"You were just thinking you could save your brother, nothing less and by the way I think your fangs and puple eyes are sexy." he says with a wink at the end.

I giggle and look back up at him, he had his fangs poking from his upper lip and his shiny red eyes looking down at mine.

"I love you." I say pecking his lips.

"I love you."


Hey guys, so I think the boys did FANTASTIC at the TCA, it was BUZZIN'. I still can't get enough of it, I think my favorite part of the whole show besides the performance was Harry 'twerking'. I'm sorry this chapter sucked, the next will have the fighting scene so YAY! My school starts next week so I might be a bit busy but I will write I promise. GO LONGHORNS! (my school mascot) Oh and wish me luck on my first day of high school, fingers crossed!!!!! Love you guys! ♥

(Gif of Niall on the side, LOVE YOU NIALLER!)

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