Chapter 6 - Violets are Blue

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That night I couldn't dream of anything but Violet, if was almost as if she was invading my train of thought.


"Hello madam would you like a candy apple?" she asked

"well yes I would." I said politely, she gave me a apple on a stick glazed with bright red liquid. I took a bite out of it and knew exactly what it was, blood.

Why was there blood on the apple instead of candy, I continued to lick I dry since the blood was compelling me to drink. When I was done I looked down at her with a curious look, I was going to ask why their was blood or how she knew what I am but she cut me off.

"Don't worry your secret is safe with me." she said putting her finger to her mouth and making a 'shh' noise, her deep green eyes turned to red and she had fangs poking out of her small lips.

"Our one too?" I asked even though it was obvious that she was a vampire.

"Yes I am, come with me." she said with a soft voice and grabbed my hand and took me to a dark park.

As we walked down the park hand-in-hand she just gazed at the moon.

"Who are you?" I asked looked to my side to her, she snapped her head to look at me.

"My name is Violetta Grimm, but you can call me Violet who are you?" she asked with a smile.

"I'm Isabella Blackwood." I answered.

"Your very pretty Isabella." she said with red eyes shining in the moonlight.

"How old are you, if I may ask." I asked I didn't know how old this little girl actually was.

"I'm 254 years old in human years but 7 in vampire years." she said but I was confused, what were vampire years?

"Vampire years?" I questioned.

"Yes, I wasn't bitten I was born as a vampire." she simply said and looked back at the moon, I had never heard of being born a vampire before.

We sat down on a bench and starred at the moon, it was cold out but everything was cold to me.  

"Lets be friends, I don't have any and your very interesting." she said with a smile on her face, what did she mean by 'interesting'?

"Okay Violet, do you what to get to know each other?' I asked, I truly felt a friendship with this little girl she was so we 'interesting' as what she would put it.

"I would be delighted, so how old are you?" she asked.

"I'm 24 but I look 19." I said, it had been 5 years since my changing.

"Oh you were a newborn my father puts it, not to long ago." she stated

"Yes, where is your parents?" I really wondered where they were, I didn't want them to worry about Violet.

"Oh they are in Transylvania, Romania; that's were I live. I used my speed to travel to France for Hollow's Eve." she said like it was no big deal.

"Where are you from?" She asked.

"I'm from England." I said.

"That's a lovely place, do you have any other friends?" she questioned.

"Yes I do, I have a close friend named Louis he is a vampire too." I said with a smile remembering him, I hadn't seen him since we turned.

"Do you have any siblings?" I asked Violet.

"Oh yes, I have a brother named Demetri he came here with me."

"Where is he?" I questioned with a worried look.

"He is doing business for my father, we are apart of the Royal Vampire Empire." she said. I didn't know much about the Empire, I just knew that Lord Cirrus and people watched over us, Cirrus has the power to watched any vampire in the world. The Empire was kept a secret for only vampires to know, all they do is keep vampires from attacking towns and exposing ourselves to big amounts of people.

"Oh, okay." is all I said.

"What powers do you have?" she asked with a curious look on her face.

"I can do this." I said pointing my finger to a flower on the ground and sending electric currents towards it.

"Yay! My turn." she said clapping her hands, she stopped clapping and grabbed a flower that was close to the tarnished one I used and held it up to my eye level. It turned to ice crystals in a matter of seconds.

"Wow you have a beautiful gift Violet." I said smiling at her.

"Thank you now lets play!" she said running around with her super speed, I followed her actions and we played for hours. Violet was like the little sister I never had, even though she was a vampire she was full of life and spirit.

We stopped playing and started to walk back down to the square, I looked down at her and noticed a heart shaped necklace that had a blue sapphire gem in the middle with white diamonds surrounding it. It was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

"You like my necklace?" she questioned looking up at me.

"It's beautiful" I gushed.

"Thank you, my father gave it to me when I was born."

We made our way back to the town square to find that no one was there anymore, instead there was a tall, blonde haired boy dead center in the middle of the square.

"Demetri!" Violet yelled and let go of my hand to run and give her brother a hug.

"Who were you with Violetta?" he asked her with a deep tone in his voice that made me fear him even more.

"Oh this is my friend Isabella, she is one of us." she told him grabbing my hand and dragging me to Demetri.

"Is she now, well it was a pleasure to meet you Isabella, now we must go father and mother will be waiting on us." he said the last part more to Violet than me, he looked back at me and gave me a evil smirk.

"Goodbye Isabella." he said, something about him didn't seem right.

"Goodbye Isabella, you have been a wonderful friend." Violet said and hugged me, I returned the hug to her.

"Bye Violet." I whispered.

*End of Dream*

I flung forward in my bed, it was more like a memory than a dream. When I thought Demetri I always felt fear course though my body, after what he did to Violet. I remember being called to the town square the next day to find Violet with a stake punctured though her heart, her body was blue with black veins running down her body, and her amber hair was grey. That day I saw Demetri walk away from the town like nothing happened, like he planned it. I felt tears run down my face thinking about Violetta, she was the most angelic person I had ever meet and she was gone. 

I fell back in my bed and wrapped the duvet around my body and drifted back to sleep. 


Sorry this chapter sucks a bit, I wanted to put Violet in this chapter and how Isabel had a strong connection to Violet. Sorry if its sad.

(Picture of the necklace is on the side.) 

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