Chapter 19 - Fight Part 2

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Previously on Biting Love...

I turn around and see the person that is protecting Eve, trying to kill me, trying to kill Harry, and the person I feared to ever see again.


Isabel's POV:

"Jonathan?" I say barley becoming a whisper, he smirks at this.

"Miss me?" he asked, I can't believe he is here. He is on her side and is wanting to kill me.

"Why are you helping her Jonathan? She is the one who made me this monster, she is the one that made me who I am and who you are." I try to convince him to stop this but I don't think its going to work.

"Eve is the best thing that has happen to me, she taught me about vampires like you. The ones that are weak and useless, even if its my sister." Wow this is a stab in the chest.

"Kill her Jonathan, she made you who you are. She made you into this monster, she is just a loose thread in our lives. Kill her and it will be just you and me, forever." Eve says letting go of Harry and making her way towards my brother. He is just looking at me with hatred and fury.

"Don't touch her." I hear a growl coming from my side, Harry is my side putting his arm around me protectively.

Jonathan smirks, in a flash he is on top of Harry. Harry then is no top on Jon, they are moving so fast its all blurry. I can't tell who is winning but I feel someone tug on my hair, I turn and see Eve ready to slap me. I grab her hand in time and break it before she can do anything else. She lets out a scream which makes Jonathan stop and look up at us. His eyes turn red and in a snap he is pinning me to the ground. He is a lot stronger than I am, his grip is so tight it make me wince at the pain.

"Jonathan.. stop.. I'm your sister." I shutter under the pain.

"You might be my sister Izzy, but I will never forgive you so you have to die." he says with pure hatred and evil in his deep voice, what has gotten into him.

"I said don't touch her!" I hear Harry voice, Jonathan is pulled off me and thrown across the meadow. I look to the side and see that Eve has Harry in a head lock again. She is whispering things in his ear, paralyzing him to stay still. Jonathan is running back to me, I know what I have to do. I run towards him but end up running around him and jumping on his back. He is trying to pull me back but my nails are clawed into his skin like a cat not letting go.

All the pain he as caused by not being there, for not listening to me, for not talking to me for decades, for not trusting me, for not being the Jonathan in 1888 anymore has put me on the verge of doing this.

"I'm sorry but goodbye Jonathan." I say my last words to him and grip his head, I turn it and hear cracking noises then I pull making his head rip from his body. I just killed my brother, what is wrong is me?

I hear a thug on the ground, I turn around to see Harry has flipped Eve and is now ripping her head off just like I did to Jonathan. I look around and see the rest of her coven in a fire that Eleanor probably set.

"Harry..." I try to make a sentence but his name is the only thing that comes out. He runs to me and pulls me to him before I fall onto the ground.

"Shhh, its okay he wasn't your brother anymore Isabel. He was a real monster made by Eve, he wasn't the same." he cooed me, I sniffle looking up at him.

"It will be okay." he says looking straight into my eyes, he catches my tears with the pads of his thumbs making me smile.

"Your right." I finally say, I look around and see the rest of my family but don't see Louis. Where is he?

"LOUIS!" I yell to try to get is attention.

"Angel has me, I'm in the forest." I hear his voice in my head, I look at Niall. He has a now conscious Rose at his side, he turns to me to see if I heard it too. I nod.

"Angel has Lou, they are in the forest." I inform the rest of them, they all nod and we are running back inside the forest. When we get there we see Louis on one side of the area and Angel on the other side.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"Angel is from the Empire." Louis informs me, what? Was she here because of Demetri?

"I came here to observe all of you." he says looking at me, "Lord Demetri would love to have all of you in Romania for the royal masquerade ball. He is very interested in all of you." she continues looking at me then to Rose, then to Harry. Demetri? What would he be interested in? Could he want us to be apart of the royal coven? Make us his slave like what he did to Rose?

"Here," Angel hands me the envelope I'm guessing is an invitation, "I better get going, its a long trip to Romania." In a dash she leaves.

I look at everyone, they all are looking at the letter. I open it up and read it out loud.

Dear the British Coven,

You are invited to the masquerade ball held for vampires to mingle and have the opportunity to join the Empire's coven as a soldier. We expect the highest from you and hope that you come.

Always watching you,

The Royal Vampire Empire  

"I guess we are going to a ball" Louis said sarcastically, I hear a gulp being made my Rose. I turn to see her face, she looks like she has seen a ghost.

"They want us." was all she said.

"Demetri wants us." I knew from all the stories Rose has told me about him and then meeting him in person that he is a evil person. 'Always watching you' he has been watching over us like a hawk, observing our powers. We would be perfect as part of his army. Its not going to happen.


So Eve, Jonathan, and the rest are dead. yay! But now they have to deal with Demetri, ooooo! When I mean army, I'm kind of referring to like what the Volturi had in Breaking Dawn Part 2. Demetri is wanting something that has to do with them, it might have to do with the army or not I haven't decided yet. I know that the fighting scene sucked, I'm just not good at fight scenes sorry. School starts tomorrow for me so I might be busy tomorrow but I will finish the book and will not leave it hanging I promise. Love you guys!

(Picture of Jonathan on the side)  

Jonathan Blackwood played by Liam Hemsworth

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