Chapter 10 - Hunt with Me

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Please read the Author's note at the bottom, thanks. 

Isabel's POV:

Currently Harry and I are hunting in the woods, he is so much fun to hunt with. Once we got to the deepest part of the forest he scooped me up over his back and he climbed up the tree. He stopped when we were at the highest branch, it was like you could almost touch the low clouds of London. We took a moment of just peacefulness, starring into each other's eyes. Looking at his bright green eyes made me melt on the inside, they were like the color of a ripe tide on a dark night. He looked at me in awe for a bit more and then he glanced at my lips. Harry leaned in and I met him half way, we always kissed with passion that was unexplainable.

"Do you hear that?" I spoke pulling away from the kiss and looking up at a confused Harry.

Harry's POV:

"Do you hear that?" I spoke pulling away from the kiss and looking up at me.

I take a second to try to hear what she was hearing, I closed my eyes to picture what it was I heard. It was apart of my powers, I could picture what a person is doing if I concentrated. I see two deer walking into the forest. I open my eyes to see Isabel's, they were her electric blue color for a moment then turned a shade of soft but deep purple, and finally blood red. I could tell mine did the same but my bright green eyes turned a soft hazel till I turned blood red as well.

"Lets see your animal side." she said and then Isabel jumped off the tree and ran for the animals, I smiled and jumped down to followed her. In vampire speed we finally reached the animals, I went straight towards the bigger one and Isabel went for the other. I bit down on the animal's side and made it fall to the ground. The blood ran down my throat like warm hot chocolate, it was sweet but not as sweet as human blood. Human blood ran down you throat like silk and tasted a hell lot better than animal but I wasn't complaining. Once I was done I dragged the animal to the bushes and wiped the blood off my mouth. 

"Ready to go?" a sweet and gentle voice spoke behind me.

"Yep, race yah!" I turned to look at Isabel and then darted to the mansion. She followed right behind but I was faster than her. I ran to the door and into the living room not decreasing my speed, I stopped at the couch where Louis was sitting at. He looked at me with a questioning face until he saw Isabel run in and stand in the middle of the living den.

"I win!" I cheered and put my hands in the air, she just rolled her eyes and sat down in the middle of me and Louis.

"I see you had fun." Louis smirked at Isabel.

"Shut up Lou." she said playfully slapping him on the arm.

"Ow! That hurt." he said in his Doncaster accent.

"Aww sorry Boobear." she said and kissed his cheek, I'm not going to lie that did send a flash of jealousy to me but I knew they were just friends.

"Its okay babe." Louis said and hugged her.

"So what should we do today?" My beautiful girlfriend asked turning to me, it sent shivers down my spine every time I saw her beautiful blue eyes. They were the exact color of the electricity currents she can sent with her powers, but they were a bit softer when she didn't use her powers. We were all surprised that they were bluer than Niall's, his power makes him have a more enhanced eye color like Isabel's.   

"Let's invite the girls and we can all have a movie night and have a little party of our own." I suggested.

"That would be awesome, all the boys will be here with the girls. I can't wait to meet them! I can't wait to meet Eleanor!" she was jumping up and down in her seat, it made me chuckle to see her act like a child.

"That sounds like a good idea Hazza, and Eleanor can't wait to meet you." Louis said referring to Isabel at the end.

"Okay, well then lets get all the food, plus extra for Niall, all the scary movies, and the music." I said getting up with them and we started getting ready for our party.


Hey guys so I'm sorry that this is a shorter chapter, the next is going to be a lot longer so that's why I separated it into two chapters. The next chapter with have Perrie and Eleanor in it, yay! Danielle won't though because Liam and Dani are broken up in real life but that doesn't mean that she won't be in the story because she will, and in my story they get back together. And yes Danielle is a vampire like the others, she was the one who saved Liam when he almost died and she turned him into a vampire. And you will get to see Eleanor's and Perrie's powers in the next chapter so yay! Bye guys!

PS. The song on the side was the song I was listening to when I wrote this chapter and I think it fits a bit with the story, don't ask why because I don't know why I just that I think all of the songs on the Save Rock n' Roll album by Fall Out Boy fits with the book.

I think it fits with this chapter because in the corse sings 'I want to see you animal side' and it just clicked and towards the end when it sings 'I will get you high' and it sounds like club music or intense music, it will fit with the next chapter.

Death Valley by Fall Out Boy (on the side)

Vampire Harry gif (on the side)


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