Chapter 13 - Training Part 1

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I woke up to a major headache, which is very odd since we are never in pain like humans are. But then it all came back to me, the note that Eve sent was written in human blood. Just the staining of not going after the scent gave me a fire burning headache and a dry throat. I sat up from my bed and saw Harry was on our love seat in the bedroom. I sat up and walked over to the love seat and sat next to him, he was concentrated on the TV till he noticed me next to him. His emerald eyes had a hint of concern and worriedness.

"Hey how are you doing babe?" he asked pulling me onto his lap and started to play with my hair.

"I'm okay, just a headache." I replied and looked outside the window to see it was bright outside.

"Hey Haz?"


"How long have I been asleep?" I asked looking back at him.

"For about two days straight." he replied looking at me.

"Oh" was all I could say.

"Why did you freak out when you saw the blood, your one of the oldest in the house but it was like you were new to human blood?" he asked looking straight into my eyes wanting to know the answer.

"Umm...well I've had a hard time with blood....I can take walking around humans but I can't take just blood I guess.....I don't know." I started to tear up at the end, what is wrong with me?

"Hey, shh its okay baby" Harry cooed me rubbing my arm, comforting me.

"What is wrong with me, I try to resist and not loose control over it but I'm too weak." I yelled in his shoulder, I was just mad at myself.

"Hey its not your fault, you are strong. You walked around humans without thinking of their blood, you don't kill innocent people for your own pleasure, and you drink fucking vervain for fucks sake." he chuckled at the end trying to cheer me up.

"I know its just.....I'm a fucking demon." I sobbed even more because it was true.

"Isabella Marie Blackwood, don't you ever say that you are a demon you want to know why." he asked looking straight into my blurry eyes with his now dark green eyes.

"W-why?" I shuddered, as he took both of my hands.

"Because this nice, kind, gentle, bright blue eyed, blonde haired, beautiful girl right in front of me is a angel that was sent from the heavens and was placed with gift that a vampire like me has but you use it not for your own use but to protest your loved ones. Isabel you are perfect, your flawless pale skin that glistens in the moonlight sends shivers down my spine, your blue eyes sparkle with love and gentleness not aggressive power or evil, your snow blonde hair is as soft as silk. To me your the most beautiful girl in the world, I love you Isabella." he said all of this stuff that made me more confident and that their was hope that I was not a monster, that he said he loved me. This pale, tattooed, curly brown haired, and green eyed boy loved me. He was just beautiful and perfect.

"I love you too Harry." I said as my tears stopped and I smiled at him, he pulled me close to him and kissed me passionately. Every time we kiss its like the first time, he was the one that could save me from loosing control, from going back into the shadows, and to make me feel alive.

"Come on, the others are waiting for us. Today we are going into the forest to train for when that evil bitch and her protector comes back." he said after pulling away and connecting foreheads.

"Okay" I said and got off of his lap and walked into our shared walk in closet. I decided to wear black skinny jeans, red and black shirt, my black Converse, and a black leather jacket. We walked down the stairs and was greeted by warm smiles.

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