Every Visitor Is Listening

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He he he look at the title and tell me in the comments if I tricked you again or not... ;)

~~Laurance's point of view~~

I was ready to hack and slash every enemy in my way so I summoned myself a training dummy and I slashed the head off the dummy and Aphmau came in the room and I almost slashed her head off. "Easy there buddy." she chuckled. "Oh sorry I was just practicing..." I looked away. "Why are you looking away?" Aphmau asked. "Well I wasn't able to take back my ability to turn into a shadow knight so I guess I'm stuck with being a shadow knight but hey at least if I turn into a shadow knight, I will get a free kiss from it." I chuckled. She punched me. "Seriously what is with you and punching me?" I said. "I learned it from TheDragonScale101." Aphmau punched me again. "Hey no problem!" TheDragonScale101 said. "Where did she come from?" I stared at TheDragonScale101. "Well she is the person who writing this story." Aphmau explained. "Oh of course and I'm guessing she likes to punch too?" I guessed. I get punched by TheDragonScale101. "OWWWWW HOW POWERFUL ARE YOU?" I asked in pain. "I'm powerful enough to  kill anybody with one punch and I'm powerful enough to do anything I want, like this." she made all the fan girls of Aaron attack me. "YOU ARE SO EVIL! I WISH I NEVER MET YOU!" I yelled as my hair gets pulled by fan girls. "AARMAU WILL HAPPEN, YOU'LL SEE!" screamed one of the fan girls. I growled and I turned into a shadow knight. I tried to fight them off but I'm not powerful enough. I called to Garroth but I have no idea where Garroth is.

~~TheDragonScale101's point of view~~ (ME!)

This was too funny to watch so I teleported to Garroth. I was invisible as always. I looked into Garroth's room. I rubbed my eyes, THAT IS NOT WHAT CHILDREN ARE SUPPOSED TO SEE AND I'M A CHILD, AHHHHHHH Garroth and Grace were making out and it's not just kissing, it's actual make out! IT WAS A MAKE OUT SESSION AND I NEEDED TO ERASE THAT OUT OF MY MIND! I tried to erase it but IT KEEPS ON GETTING WORSE AND WORSE! I RATHER WATCH LAURANCE SLASHING THE FAN GIRLS THAN GARROTH DOING "THE THING" TO GRACE. EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. 

~~Laurance's point of view~~  

I'm guessing Garroth and Grace are doing their "make out session" UGH stop pulling my hair fan girls. I forgot I could fly. I grew my wings and I flew away. I grabbed Aphmau and I told her to grow her wings and she did grow her wings. We both flew in the air and we were talking. I was flirting mostly even though we are a married couple I still want to flirt with Aphmau. I flirted,"Do you smell smoke? Oh wait I forgot, You are smoking hot!"She giggled. "Oh wait maybe I should soak myself in water to remove the heat from me." she winked. "Do it because THIS GIRL IS ON FIRE!" I sang the song. "Ha funny..." she rolled her eyes. "Is it too late to say sorry?" she sang the song. We sang songs all day. 






I'm so evil aren't I? Remember when I went into Garroth's room? Well that's what the title meant, I was the visitor who listen to what Garroth and Grace were doing (WHICH WAS DISGUSTING). Don't worry I will put your usernames as well if you comment your name then you might be the next person to go into the book. But I hope you guys enjoyed it and if you did then please tell me how sneaky I was and follow me to see more of this and as always DRAGONS UNITE!!!!

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