Morning Wake Up Call

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It's that time again. Yes, you know it. The time when all the girls go crazy, the shopping malls go full, the limousines on the road increases, the gossips and of course the heart breaks. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it's prom.

And I hate it.

Hi, my name is Callista and I hate proms and dances. It's not because I am not beautiful, people say I'm the most beautiful girl in the county and that is why my parents named me Callista, which means "she that is most beautiful" in Greek. I hate when people call me beautiful because in my eyes, I'm a plain looking girl with light brown hair and bright hazel eyes. I have good looking parents and my brothers are good looking men but I swear I was exchanged when my mom 'gave birth' to me because I don't look like any of them.

Well anyway, I hate dances and proms because I hate going through the process of it. Especially the 'DATE' process. I hate getting toppled over, chased and cleaning my locker filled with invitation. For me prom is just a waste of money. I'm not poor or anything, my parents are quite wealthy since they own their own company, but I'm still a conservative person. Although I hate prom I would never ruin it for anyone.



"Aaa.. Sss.. Huu.." Tossing and turning..

*Constant vibrating*

'What the hell is that noise?' turning over.

*Non stop vibrating*

"Aarrg! Where's that annoying thing?!" moving around in the bed. "Ahah! Found you little.." drops head on the pillow and answers "Hello?"

"Wake up sleepy head! You're going to be late for school!" Giggles over the phone.

"What are you talking about? It's a Sunday." Closing eyes and pulling the sheets over.

"Dude, Sunday was yesterday, remember? You slept through Saturday and stayed up all night long on Sunday making your solar system science project." Stifled laughs over the phone.

"No way, that's impossible!" rolling around in bed.

"Look at your calendar genius!"

Rolls out of bed and drag myself towards my calendar.. "Shoot! Crap man!" runs to the bed and grabs the phone.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?! Damn! Seriously Aleez an hour beforehand would be great." looking for the alarm clock.

"Well, you should be thankful I actually woke you up or your science project would be a waste. Now you have ten minutes! Hurry!" Laughs out loud and hangs up.

I put on a dress because I knew I had no time to pull my jeans on and wore my ballet flats and ran out with my project. I drove as fast as I could avoiding pedestrians on the road and I finally reached school and found my friends close to the school doors waving at me.

We were consisted of four people. First was Kourtney, it's like Courtney only spelled with a K and not a C. She's a ball of energy. Too much energy and so much laughter in her that it's contagious. Next we have Natalie or as we called her N because if we called her Nat both she and her brother would turn back. Moral of the story is to never name your kids Nat. Last but not least is Aleez or Alice, whichever you prefer she is my best friend. In the end there was me. Well, I guess that sums up everything.

I waved at them as they came towards me smiling like idiots. "Hey Cal!" Kourtney called out while Aleez helped me out with my science project.

"Hey girls. Sorry I'm late."

"It's okay Cal we still have 15 minutes before the bell rings" N said giggling.

"No, we don't we have about 5 minutes left" showing my phone to her.

Kourtney burst into laughter and the rest just followed after a while. "What's going on? " I asked missing the point. "We changed the time on your phone. We made it go ten minutes faster!" N is laughing so hard that it looked like her lungs were going to collapse. "You did what?!" She knew it was her cue to run.

"I didn't do it! Aleez did!" flapping her arms while pointing at the person next to me.

"Hurt me and I'll drop your project! T" covering her face with my modal solar system.

"You made me go out in a rush! I didn't even have time to comb my hair! Why would you do this to me?"

"Aawh! I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. But hey, now you can put your project in the science lab without it getting crushed by the crowd."

"I guess you're right, that's one side to look at. Come on lets go in before it becomes crowded."

We went into the school joined by N following us behind as we entered the science lab while I placed my project on the table. We rushed out to our lockers and saw students swarming everywhere. "Hey I'm going to the cafeteria to find some breakfast, you wanna join?" all three of them murmured a yeah and followed me into the cafeteria. I grabbed a can of coffee from the vending machine and a sandwich. Caffeine helps me think in the morning.

We were chatting when we saw a group of people swarming outside the cafeteria out in the hallway. "What's going on? " but none of them answered. They just followed the crowd.

Prom FacadeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora