The Kiss On The Wall

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I was getting nauseated while they were swinging me around. I gave one last shot.

“Mom! Help me!”

My mom shouted from the kitchen “Boys! Put your sister down! I mean it!”

The boys complained but they put me down.

“You douche!” I hit them both but they were just laughing their ass off.

“Awh, poor kid. It doesn’t hurt when you hit me.” My older brother put his arm around my neck.

“Yeah sis it doesn’t hurt.” My younger brother squeezing my shoulders.

“We’re buff and awesome!” My younger brother said and both of them flex their muscles.

“Well that’s because you take steroids.” Rolling my eyes.

“You’re just jealous Calli because you’re not hot like us.” My older brother said.

“Whatever.” I crossed my arms and he pinched my cheeks while my younger brother played with my hair.

My mom went into the living room looking at us “Faber! Jourdain! Stop teasing your sister!” my mom put her hands on her hips and looked at the boys.

“Sorry mom.” They say in unison.

Faber and Jourdain are my brothers. Faber is 19 years of age he’s been modelling since he was 10 years old. He manages to finish school before he went to work for a modelling agency permanently and took off becoming one of the top runway models. Jourdain is my younger brother, a year younger that is; he’s 16 years old. Just like Faber, Jourdain modelled at a young age. He begged my parents so he could work part time and be tutored instead of going to school since he travelled a lot. He’s one of the hottest teen models or as I heard of it. Girls keep their pictures in their rooms which is disgusting for me to imagine.

I love my brothers to bits but they can be a real pain in the butt. They protect me too much, I guessed that’s why they always tell me I’m ugly when I know I’m really not.

“Awh, we’re sorry mom. We just miss Calli so much!” My younger brother came and hugged me.

“Yeah mom.” Faber patted my head. “Eight months is a long time to not see my BABY sister.”

“Faber, I’m not a baby. If you want to baby someone go and baby Jourdin, he’s the youngest.”

“Hey, I’m not a baby. Come on! What baby has a hot body like mine?” He pulled up his t-shirt to show his packs.

“Gross Jourdin!” My brother just laughed.

“Now Calli, mom told me that prom is coming next week.” He looked at me with his arm slung over my shoulder.

“Umm.. Nah!” I looked at him.

“What do you mean by ‘Nah’ young lady? I thought we talked about it? You are going.” My mom looked at me crossed.

“I’m still going mom. It’s just being postponed to two months from now. Some problem with the hotel.” I said shrugging.

“Well back to the story Calli. Since you’re going to go, are you going with anyone?” Faber raised his eyebrow.

“Well dad is making me go with a date and so did Mr. Lartment because of the incident.”

“What incident Calli?” Jourd was looking down at me. This is the bad thing about having tall brothers; they looked down at you literally.

“A group of boys were chasing me around the school.”

“WHAT?!” The boys shouted.

“You’re not going Callista! I WON’T allow it.” Faber told me.

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