Basilio; Let The Past Come Back

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+ I can't stop myself from posting, I need to! This is dedicated to my one true fan EmmaEdward. Same thing guys I need comments! +

(Helio’s POV)

Now where have I seen the jacket before?

We were walking down the stairs and into the kitchen once more. The police believe that the jacket belongs to her but never wear. When they open the closet they found a few more varsity jacket, but I l know that the ones in the closet belongs to her. The one draped over the couch was maybe just another one of hers.

But I’m sure I’ve seen it on someone and it’s not her. I walk up to Aleez who’s sitting alone at the kitchen island.

“Aleez?” she turns away from looking through the window to me.

“Yes?” her eyes were red.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” She sighs and gave me a small smile. I pull a seat next to her. “I’m just worried for her. She’s not the type of girl that would runaway, she would never do so.”

“No she won’t.”

“When she comes back I’ll hit her so hard she won’t remember anything.” Tears flowed down her cheek.

“Aleez, can I ask you a question?” I try to stray the conversation away from the current and she nods. “Joel said that everyone meant so much to her.” She nods and use a tissue to wipe her tears away “Why?”

She sniffs a few times “It’s because she’s afraid she’ll lose us.”

“Why? We’re not going anywhere.”

“Not lose in that term Helio,” she gave e a sad smile “she means permanently gone.”

“Is it because of Basilio?”

“Yeah.” She nods.

“It must be hurtful for her to see her best friend to be buried.” Aleez stops what she was doing to look at me.

“What are you talking about? He didn’t die.” She looks at me confused.

“He killed himself.” I look at her perplexed. “That’s why everyone means so much to her, right?”

“Well, part of it is true.” She looks at me wide eyed “Didn’t she tell you the whole story?’

“She only told me that he tried to kill himself because he was rejected and that’s the reason why she can’t say no.”

Aleez started to shake her head “I don’t know all of the story because she didn’t tell me but it’s not the real reason why she can’t really say no to any guy.” I shook my head not understanding and earned a sigh from her. “She set him up with a girl from someone she met in cheerleading camp. She thought that they’ll hit it off well and it did but not at first.”

I raised an eyebrow at her and she continued the story.


(Calli’s POV)

I woke up again to find myself in the wooden room only this time I wasn’t tied up. The ground didn’t feel hard like a wooden floor. I look to see I was on a mattress; I turn to my right and saw nothing at all but bare wooden floor. I finally turn to the door to see food and water was placed next to it. I’m scared inside but oddly I feel quite calm.

I look to the ceiling and closed my eyes to remember everything that has happened. Sadly I remember everything. I open my eyes and look back at the ceiling and a drop of tear fell.

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