The Fight

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His lips were crushing mine. His tongue was gliding on my on my lower lip.

His hands were holding tight on my waist, body leaning on mine; pressing me to the wall.

I could feel his chest raising and falling.

He was tonguing me, trying to force his tongue between my closed lips; granting for access.

I could see from the corner of my eye that Helio was looking at me with wide eyes.


He was kissing me! Who the fudge does he think he is?! In public too!

I wiggled beneath him trying to free myself.

I tried to push him off. He was damn heavy! I moved my head to the side so I can speak.

“Get off me!” Pushing him away.

“Archemy! Move away!”

He touched my face in his hand.

“Don’t move Calli.”

He guided his lips to mine once again biting on it.


(Helio’s POV)

He took her by the waist, pushed her to the wall and kissed her.

He was kissing her! He was kissing my angel!

“Get off me!” she shouted and struggled beneath him “Archemy! Move away!”

He added his weight on her and touching her face. “Dont move Calli.”;kissing her again.

I pulled him off her. “Get away from her man!”

“Stay out of this kid!” he pushed me away and made his way back to her.

I pulled him back and punch him on the jaw and he came back with trying to hit my eye but missed so it hit my cheek.

“Stop it!” Calli cried pulling him away from me.

He turned to her “Hey, baby.” He was slurring.

“Stop it Archemy! You’re drunk!”

He draped both his arm around her; kissing her neck.

He was kissing my angel; MINE!

I pulled him away from her and punched him once more in the gut, making him lurch forward; bending his body. He fell to the ground and I was satisfied.

I felt someone pulling me. I look to see it was Callista; she was worried. I look around to see people had gathered around us. They must have witnessed the fight.

“Let’s go Helio.” Her lip had blood stained on it. “Please.” She begged me with her eyes.

I must have nodded at her because we made a run to her car.

She started the car and drove away. She drove fast and as far away she could away from the pizza parlour. We passed trees and drove through a dirt road. Five minutes  later she stopped her car between the trees and just sat there silently.

Her hands were on the steering wheel; squeezing it tight. She sighed, closed her eyes and hung her head. After a few seconds she held up her head once again pulling her phone in the process dialling on it.

“Hello? There’s a boy outside Pete’s Pizza unconscious. He was in a fight about seven minutes or so ago. Yeah. Okay, thank you.”

She closed her phone and leaned her head back.

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