The Beginning & The Past

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"So are you really going?" Kourtney was leaning over the picnic table the next morning outside the school.

"Yeah." I sighed "Mr. Lartment 'ENCOURAGE' me to go with someone. He told my parents that I needed to socialise with the student body after reporting about the incident yesterday." I was still there in my mind. My parents are coming up to me and asked me to go to prom. Well more like FORCED me.


My mum came up to me when I entered the front door and seated me in the living room couch. "Honey, we need to talk." I looked at her innocently "Yeah mom?" she sounded so serious. 

"Your principal called me today.."

"He did what?! I didn't do anything. I wasn't my fault..." Mom stared down at me, she hates being interrupted.

"Sorry mom."

"Thank you. Now back to the topic. Mr. Lartment told us that you escaped one period of class because you were chased by a group of boys. Is that true?"


"Well honey, I think you should go to prom."

"What mom? Are you serious? You're joking right?"

"No I'm not honey. Your father and I think it's a great idea."

"Dad knows?!" My dad actually entered at that moment. Speak of the devil.

"Have you spoken to her yet?" he was in the room looking at my mom.

"She's being difficult as usual."

Daddy was looking at me " Honey you are going to prom. It's part of your high school memories. You don't want to miss that."

"But I don't want to go daddy." trying to be the baby girl always work.

"Don't try that with us honey, it's not going to work. Not this time. You ARE GOING. We don't want any of these problems anymore. If you just picked anyone you won't have to run anymore. It doesn't matter who you take, just as long as you like him. If you want well rent you a limo and buy you a dress, all of it."

"Yes honey, we'll go on our shopping trip to find a dress."

"I'm still sceptical about this. What do I get?"

"You'll get a to collect some wonderful memories. Alright?"

"Fine, but I get to choose the guy. I'm not responsible if the boys kill him, the blood on the carpet is your problem." I remembered my brothers almost putting my last date into a psycho ward. I made my way up to my room. My dad shouted from the living room " No bad boys Calli! Or druggie or any of those psychos." I laughed because my brothers get their protectiveness from him.


N lifted her head from looking at her phone, " What happened to the boys that chased you? Did Mr. Lart punish them?"

"Yeah they were. They got a week of cafeteria duty and apparently Mr. Lartment gave them a speech on how to ask a lady out properly. I think he's just encouraging them."

"What about a date? Are you going with anyone?" Kourtney was looking at me.

"I'm considering it, but only if they ask in person. No notes, no texts, and no tongue tied metaphor." They looked at me with wide eyes and I just shrugged it off.

"So, has anyone asked you personally yet?" Aleez asked me after moments  of silence.

"I guess Archemy did, but the teacher entered before he even finished his sentences. A guy in my Science class asked me out but he asked me metaphorically so it doesn't really count. So I guess nobody asked me yet." I looked at them contently. "Hey, don't go around telling people I'm going, especially that I might be going with someone." They nodded their heads and went inside when the bell rang.

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