Goodbye Boys

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(Callista’s POV)

“I’m back.” I close the door behind me and saw my brothers going down the stairs with a luggage in each hand.

“Hey sis.” Jourd smiles at me going down the stairs.

“What’s up with the luggage?” I walk up to them when they both gathered in the living room.

“We’re packing for a shoot.” Fabe answers without looking at me.

“When will you be back?” I look at them stuffing clothes into their bag.

Jourd walks up at me holding clothes which looks like a ball “We’re not coming back Calli. We’re going to Italy for fashion week then off to France then Monaco and etcetera. The usual model stuff.” He moves away from me and to the laundry room.

“What?” I look at a very busy Faber stuffing clothes “NO! You can’t! You’ve barely been here and we’ve barely spend any time together. You guys barely come back for the holidays and I’m lucky enough to actually receive a phone call while you’re busy working.” They stop what they were doing and look at me.

“Calli, don’t be like that.” Fabe moves closer to hug me but I ran up the stairs and lock myself in my room. I threw my bag on the floor and jump into my bed.

There was a knock on the door and Fabe’s voice over the door. “Calli, open the door.”

“No! Go away! Go to wherever you need to go and leave me here alone.” I pull a pillow over my head muffling their voice.

“Calli, don’t do this please. We don’t mean to leave you, it’s our job.” Jourd voice was filled with sadness.

“Then just leave me and go do your job.” I grumble over the pillow.

“You can’t do this Calli, it’s unfair.” Fabe answer’s my question.

“Both of you leaving me is unfair so don’t you dare to talk about being fair with me.” I shriek at the door hoping I can emit my anger through it.

There was a silence for a moment then another set of knocking on my door came.

“Calli honey, are you okay?” It was my mother. I didn’t answer so my father’s worried voice came next.

“Sweetheart, its daddy here” this made me laugh a little. He actually thinks I didn’t know it was him. “can you open the door?”

I sigh and pull the pillow away from my face “I don’t want to talk to them or see them. They’re going to leave me and only coming back for the holidays, if I’m lucky that is.”

There was shuffling at the door and the sound of feet dragging on the carpet then the sound going down the stairs.

“The boys are away sweetheart so can you open for us?”

I drag my feet to the door and open it without looking at them then turn around going back to my bed and laying on it on my side. My mother sat down on my bed; making my bed dip.

“What’s wrong honey?” my mother caresses her fingers through my hair.

“Nothing.” I breathe out the word from under the pillow.

“Are you sure?” she continued caressing my hair.

I move my face away from the pillow but still lay on it “They’re leaving me again and they barely come back to visit.”

“Oh honey, I know. But we can’t do anything about it. It’s their career that’s calling them.” I mother looks at me.

“I know mom, but I just wish they could stay longer.” I sit up to look at my parents. “I feel so lonely without them.” I shrug at them.

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