The Unexpected

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I was making my way to class and took a seat on my table; I looked out the window to see a few boys running on the track.

"Excuse me?" I turned around to look at who was talking. "I heard that Archemy asked you to prom; well actually I saw that he asked you out, is that true?"

"Yeah he did."

"Did you accept?"

"No, I told him that I thought about it."

"So you're considering it?"

"You can say that." I gave him a smile.

"I'm Ladon and you're Callista."

"Hello Ladon, and I know who Callista is." I laughed and so did he.

"You're very funny. You're quite good in French right." He was rubbing his chiselled chin. It looks so sexy.

"Well this is French class." I looked back at him.

"Will you consider me?"

"Consider you to what?"

"To the prom with me, since you've not yet agreed to go out with Archemy. Will you at least consider?"

"I'll see." He gave me a sexy smile and took a seat next to me.

"Irez-vous à la danse avec moi ?" (Will you go to the dance with me?)

"Je ne vais pas te donner une réponse, mais je vais la considérer." (I am not going to give you an answer, but I am considering it.) I gave him a sly smile.

"Merci belle." (Thank you beautiful.)

"Merci de demander"(Thank you for asking.) He returned to his seat.

Classes started as usual.

As the classes ended and everyone was rushing out to the nearest exit I was making my way to the gym to change my clothes for cheerleading practice.

I was walking to the school field, usually we would just practice in the school gym but since no other practice was held on the field today coach decided to use it. As I arrived on the field I look around to see that they were a lot of boys in the bleachers, well more than usual.

When we did our stretching we heard a few wolves whistle in the crowd and we practice our dance routine. We did our handspring and a few jumps, chanted our cheers and followed the moves. I was finally on the ground after an hour doing stunts and dismounts. I felt like a rag doll being tossed around. I practiced a few basic moves when the lacrosse team decided to run on the field track. Coach Saes walked up to one of the boys on the lacrosse team. "What are you boys doing on my field? We are using it now."

Some of the boys had started running around the track. "Sorry coach, coach Lare and the captain asked for an emergency practice." Coach Saes walked up to coach Lare who's holding his clipboard.

"What are you doing Lare?! I'm having practice right now. You cannot use my field when I'm using it."

"Sorry Saes but we need it. Your cheerleaders can still practice on the field we just need the track. The boys are losing their figure."

"I don't care if they turn as fat as a ball but I have permission to use it. You are not authorized to, why can't you use the other field?"

"Come on Saes we'll just share. The footballers are having practice there. Give me a break."

"Fine, but keep your boys away from my girls."

"Great. Boys! Start running tracks!"

The lacrosse team ran circles around us while we practiced. Archemy was winking at me as he was running tracks. This must have been his idea. After another 30 minutes of practice coach finally called it quits, she told us to come to her and handed us our new uniforms and jacket to every one of us. The proud colours with the colours royal blue, gold and ivory just like the colours of the royal. We disperse all together, picking up our things.

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