Cyril's & Aleez's Love Affair

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(Callista’s POV)

I can’t believe the week is almost over, Friday just suddenly appeared. It’s the last day of our bet and I’ve already won. Joel can’t even take three days of cheerleading practice; I guess those entire somersault caused him to have aches. Victory is sweet!

I skip to my first class for today while Archemy tailed behind me.

“Hold on Calli.” He held on to his book bag.

I stop to look at him “What’s up Archemy?”

“So how about a date?” He smiles at me.

“Date?” I lean my head to the right.

“Remember? You promised to go with me.” He raises his eyebrow at me.

“Oh yeah! When?” I push my bangs to the back.

“Tomorrow? I’ll pick you around 5?” He nodded.

“Great, I’ll be ready by then.” I smile at him “I’ve got to go to the library so I’ll see you later.”

“Okay babe.” He put his arm around me and kisses my forehead. “Later.”

I skip to the library and sat at the far end of the room. I pulled out La Princesse de Montpensier and started reading it trying to understand it. French literature is really interesting. I plug my earphones into my ears and read the rest of the book.

I yawn and pulled the earphones out of my ears. I spent an hour reading and translating the book, I’ve also finished writing the report for French class. I stretch in my seat then stood up returning the book. I walk up to the bookshelf section L for Foreign Languages I return the book and slid to another bookshelf.

I heard whispering and giggling on the other side of the book case. I look over to see a couple sitting on a table but as I look over closely I could see that it was Aleez and Cyril.

What! Aleez and Cyril?! Together?! She didn’t tell me!

I look over at them again and I saw that she was making her laugh. He was making hand gestures at her and she was giggling. They’re so sweet together. He was telling her something and he accidentally touched he hand and they both blush. It was adorable looking at them. They look at each other once more and you can see them both turn red.

He looks at her again and caress her hair; tucking a piece behind her ears. He then caresses her cheek with his fingers running it along her jaw line.

 I stop looking at them and leaned on the bookshelf sighing. I wish one day I’ll have a love life like the both of them. I push myself away from the bookshelf and went to my table; picking up my things.



I walk to the cafeteria with Archemy by my side but I just kept quiet. When we picked out our food we walk out in the middle of the cafeteria.

“I’m going to sit with the guys today okay.” Archemy looks at me and I nod. “Talk to you later babe.” He gave me a hug and walk off and so did I.

I sat with the others but I kept quiet. Everyone started to talk to each other after they sat down while I just ate my salad. They all look at me when they saw I wasn’t speaking.

“What’s wrong Calli?” Kourtney looks at me worried.

“Nothing much I just don’t have anything to say.” I shrug my shoulders.

“Are you sure?” Nat raises her eyebrows but I was paying attention to Cyril and Aleez who is now joining us on the table.

“Actually when I think about it there is something I wanted to tell you.” I cleared my throat. “I read a novel today, it’s about secrets.” Aleez just nod looking at me seemingly interested in the story. “I went to the library this morning doing some research for French class” from the far corner of my eye I can see Cyril stops chewing his sandwich and turns to look at me while Aleez just stared at me with her mouth open. “so after I was done doing my report I returned the book to the foreign language shelf and there the book was laying on the table.”

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