The Story Of Aleez and Cyril

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(Helio’s POV)

I entered the cafe and saw Cyril sitting in one of the booths at the back. I walk towards him and he look up when he saw me coming.

“Hey man.” I gave him a bro hug.

“Hey Helio. Where are the girls?” He looks at my back where the door was.

“They’re outside. They have um.. Complications. They’ll be in shortly.” I raised my eyebrows.

“Oh, okay. Do you anything to drink while we wait for the girls?” He nodded his head.

“Sure.” He handed me a menu. I look over the types of drinks on the menu until the door bell chime behind us.

I saw my angel turning her head looking for us. She looked really beautiful tonight when I first laid my eyes on her when I opened my house door. I just stared at her like a moron.

When she caught my eyes looking at her she made her way to our table.

“Hey Cyril.” She gave him a hug.

I look at her “Where’s Aleez?”

“She’ll be here in a minute.”

“Great.” Cyril answers but kept his eyes at the door.

At that very moment Aleez walks through the door. From the expression of Cyril’s face he seem extent.

He stared at her with large eyes through his glasses and she stared back looking at him the same way. They shared a special moment even through the distance and people in the cafe. It’s like they were communicating with each other using their eyes.

As she walks over to us I could see Cyril shifting in his seat trying to make him comfortable.

“Hi Cyril.” She smiled at him; a very sweet smile.

“Haa.. Hi Aleez.” He swallowed.

Aleez took a seat next to him and Cyril tried not to stare at her but it was to no avail.

My angel clapped her hands “Okay, let’s order.”

Cyril finally tears his gaze away from her “Yeah we should.” He looks at the menu and pretended to be scanning the menu but in the corner of his eyes he was observing Aleez.

My angel nudges me and pointed at the both of them.

The both of them were looking away from each other.

“So do you know what you want to have?” I look at the two awkward people sitting in front of me.

Unfortunately nobody answered.

Calli cleared her throat “I think I want to have the spaghetti bolognaise and a vanilla milk shake. What do you want Aleez? Look they have lasagne, you like that don’t you?”

“Yeah sure I’ll have that and a glass of ice tea.” Aleez nodded in agreement.

“I’ll have that too.” Cyril answered.

“You like lasagne too?” Aleez asked Cyril.

This started to spark a conversation between them even after we ordered. When our food arrived we spoke and ate the same time laughing on random things.

“I think we should go now or we’ll be late for an 8 o’clock show.” She pointed to the clock on the cafe wall.

“Yeah, we should.” Cyril answered. “Let me get the bill.” He waved for a waiter to come and arrive with the check. Cyril and I argued on who should pay, him or me but in the end my angel just said something magical to make the waiter bring the check to her and she paid.

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