In The Running

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She pulled away from me and smiled. Even with the tear stains on her face and her red eyes, she was still beautiful. It doesn’t matter how dishevel she looks, she still manage to look beautiful.


Lunch is now over, I guess I there’s no need to go back to the cafeteria. A few students swarm around us, making their way to class while we just stood there.

“I guess lunch’s over.” I look at her and she nodded “Let’s just go to class, do you have practice later?”

She shook her head in the most adorable way “Not today. We should go to class before Mrs. Wagner enters.”


She tugs my hand and we walked together towards calculus hand in hand.


I walk through the hallway with my angel. Hand in hand.

It’s between she didn’t notice that we’re still holding hands or she just really like it, but I don’t think that’s the case because we held hands throughout Calculus.

We entered Calculus holding hands with everyone in there looking our way. She still held my hand when we sat down even when Mrs. Wagner entered, who looked our way only to be melted by my angel’s smile. She just smiled back and nods at our hands being intertwined then walk off to her table.

We only let our hands go when she needed to write off the board but she would hold it me with her left hand.

“Do you want to do anything after practice?” She smiled at me when we were walking towards her locker.

“It’s up to you; if you want to do something we’ll do it.” I smiled at her leaning in closer making her giggle.

“What if I wanted to rob a bank?” She gave a mischievous look.

I whispered in her ear “Well I’ll be your second in command.” She laughed harder.

“I can’t believe you were serious. I was actually joking.” She shook her head.

“I’ll always be here for you remember.” I wiggle my eyebrows at her.

She purposely bumps into me making me laugh, making me tumble taking her with me. We continued walking down the hallway until she suddenly stops making me jerk back.

“What’s wrong Calli?” I look her face turning pale but she looked front. Archemy was at her locker, waiting for her I guess. I put my hand on her cheek making her look at me “Go talk to him.” She nodded slowly and kissed her hair.

She gave me a smiled and pulled away from each other grasp, walking towards him. When she reached him they walk a few steps then she turn around to smile at me. She continued walking until they reached the music room.

I sigh feeling lost with her gone. I put my hand in my pocket then walks to my next class going through the seas of students. I walk close to the sides, avoiding being pushed back. A guy bumps into me.

“Sorry man.” He looks at me and I just nodded.

I pull out my hand from my pocket and look at my hand. It hasn’t been five minutes and I already miss the feel of her hand in mine, it moulded perfectly. Like we were made to fit each other’s hand.

(Callista’s POV)

“I’m sorry if I hurt you Calli. I didn’t mean to, I was just hoping to get your attention.” Archemy squirmed in front of me; never looking into my eyes.

“You didn’t hurt me in that way. I’m supposed to be sorry; I should have just told you the truth.”

“You shouldn’t apologies because I am a bad date.” He half laugh.

“You’re not a bad date Archemy, I just felt that you were a bit rushing into things.” I was embarrassed. “I would always go on a date with you but I’m just not ready to rush into things on the first date.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I did enjoy the date thought.” I look at him and smiled.

“Really?” he finally smiled and I nodded “So, does it mean we still can go out on another date together?” Archemy is back to his normal self again being all cocky and what not.

“Yeah, sure.” I smiled at him.

“Great!” He smiled his mega watt smile and pecks my cheek “I guess I’m still in the running to be your prom date.” I just laughed and nodded. “That’s awesome!”


I walk to the field skipping first period for cheer practice. I join the girls in the middle of the field when a blaring sound came to the field and leading it is our class president handing flyers to everyone on the field. He raises his hand and the school band stops then came up to us.

“Hello ladies.” Dekel put his charming smile on, which received a few giggles.

“Are you trying to run for class president again Dekel? Because if you are I don’t think the school will allow you.” Aretha gave him a side smirk.

“I wish I could” He put his best hopeful face on “but I’m here today to promote the school carnival.”

Every year our school has carnival to help raise fund for people who needs it. Last year we donated the fund money to the homeless. We, the cheer team, would participate every year by having our own booth. Last year we gathered money by having a car wash; it was wet and definitely wild. My parents usually help raise the fund too.

“So, where are we donating the fund this year Dekel?” I look at him while giving him a smile.

“This year we’re donating it to the children ward. Hopefully it would lighten their day having new toys and clothes; it would also help the parents.” He shrugs and I found that it’s very cute, so I smile widely. “So help us raise funds.” He gave me a flyer then turn to the rest of the girls “Please help us raise fund for children.” He passes flyers to the other cheerleaders. “You cheerleaders make the most in the fund every year hopefully you can help us again.” He looks at all of us and we cheered.

“We will don’t worry.” I told him happily.

“I’ll be first in line for your booth, especially if you’re at it Calli.” He winks at me and I blush. “Okay, let’s go.” He directed the school band across the field while playing their instruments but before he truly left he turn around and said “I’ll see you later Calli, I’ll be waiting.” He waved good bye and I did the same.

“Ooh.. Someone’s hot for Calli and he’s the class president.” Anna chimed and the others ooh and aah behind her.

“Shut up!” I blush from the attention.

“You’re so lucky that every guy wants you Call’s.” Another cheerleader who I can’t see said.

“No I’m not. Whatever, let’s just practice.” I head to the middle of the field and remove the jacket I wore and start to stretch.



Sorry it's really short. I haven't posted in such a long time and I'm sorry for that too. I'm extreamly sorry. I've been really busy lately at the greenery. Yes I work at a greenery.

It's no excuse, I know and I'll try to write more.


Prom FacadeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora