Kissing Booth

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I drag my very sore legs to the cafeteria together with my book bag. I didn't bother to line up to buy food; I can't hold my body up long enough. I pulled a chair out and just collapsed; slumping my body on the chair and laying my head on the table.

"Hey, Call's." Nat comes over and took a seat.

"Ugh.." I respond without moving my body.

"What's wrong Calli? Are you okay?" Kourt stands opposite to me.

"Cheer. Practice. Gruesome." I huff out a breath.

"Dude, what's wrong with you?" Aleez shook my shoulders and I just grunt. "What's wrong with her?" I guess she's talking to Kourtney because she responded.

"Cheer practice." I hear Kourt said it with a bit of sadness.

"Awh.. You're in pain Calli? You can't take cheer practice?" Joel teases me and snickered.

I didn't move my body but closed my eyes "Joel, do you want me to make you join cheerleading practice again?"

"No thanks!" He answered as soon as the last word left my mouth.

I grunt and sigh again. I heard the chair next to me move, scraping the floor.

"Hey Calli." I turn my head around but leaving it on the table.

"Hi Helio." I smile at him.

"Are you okay?" He asks concerned.

"I'm just sore all over. Practice was killer." I close my eyes after answering him.

"You should go to the nurse." He advice me with a frown.

"I don't want to, I can't miss classes today." I smile at him reassuringly "I'm alright Helio, don't worry."

"The least you should do is eat." He looks at me with his green eyes.

I move closer to him and whispered "As much as I want to, I can't. My legs won't hold me up that long." I smirk at him.

"Well we can share, I picked enough for two." He pushes his tray between us; it was filled with food.

"I don't think I should Helio. You must be hungry if you took all of that food." I look at the pile of food on the tray.

"Actually," he leans in closer to me and whispered "I knew you were tired and won't bother eating. I saw you after practice, so I purposely took a lot for both of us." I could hear laughter in his voice.

"Seriously? You did that for me?" I rose to sit up straight in my seat. Ouch! My back hurts.

"Yeah." He nods and smiles showing his perfect set of teeth. "Here," he handed me a muffin "I got it for you."

I smirk at him "Chocolate?"

He nods "You're fav." He hands me the muffin and I took it; pinching off a big piece.

"That's good." I took another piece off and put it into my mouth "Thank's Helio." I smiled at him and he responded with a side smile.



I walk into gym with Anna only to be joined by the others.

"So? What are we going to do for the carnival? It's this weekend?"

"How bout we make a bake sale?" One of the younger cheerleader chirped.

"No, we can't do that. The teachers are already doing that." Anna answered.

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