Has The Past Come To Haunt Me?

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(Helio’s POV)

“Ah! Drat’s! Sorry Helio but I’ve got to run to class; I have a report to present. We’ll continue after school, okay? Under the tree, close to the picnic table.” She picked up her tray and bag then look at me.

I blinked a few times then looked at her “Umm.. Yeah sure.”

“Okay great! I’ve got to go. Later Helio.” She headed over to the door and placed her tray on the stack with the others. She turns to look at me smiling then walks out.

I turn to my lunch and sigh. I drop my spoon on the tray carrying it with me over the stack. I push open the double doors and walk out.

I walk down the hallway slowly with my hands in my pockets. I barely have time with her now, somehow there’s always someone around us or we just have such little time together. I barely see her in Calculus with her running off to cheerleading practice, even if I get to see her during football practice I would never have any alone time with her when the other guys are so busy around her. I would always see her in the hallway but Archemy is always with her, when she’s alone she doesn’t notice that I’m standing there.

It looks like I’ll never get a chance with her since Archemy has already asked her out.

I pulled my right hand from my pocket to open the door knob and entered.



“Hey Helio, what’s wrong with you?” Joel came running next to me.

“Nothing’s wrong.” I was walking to my locker to pack my things.

“You didn’t say anything at all. I called you in the hallway but you didn’t even hear me.” He was leaning his back on the lockers looking at people passing by.

“Oh, you did?” I didn’t even look at him “Sorry man.”

Joel finally looks at me “What’s distracting you man?”

“Nothing, I just have a lot of things to think about.” I shrug my shoulders and close my locker door.

“Yeah right, you’re smart. You’ll handle it easily.” He lightly punches my arm and I smirk. “You’ll be fine; just don’t think too much or it will mess with your head.”

“Thanks for that man but these things are inevitable.” A group of boys were coming our way and its leader is Archemy.

He grins are way and I replied with a nod while Joel scowls. When he passes us we heard a few of his lackeys talking.

“So, where are you going to take her?”

“Are you going to get your game on?”

“You’ve got to tap her man.”

Joel cleared his throat “I’m disgusted by them.” I turn to look at him “Is that what’s distracting you?” He looks at me with guarded eyes.

“What are you talking about man?” I picked up my bag.

“Don’t try to lie.” He pulled my arm so I stood straight. “I know we’ve never talk about it but I know you have feelings for her man.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I put my bag over my shoulder.

“If you want to lie man its fine but you’ve got to change the way you look at her because you’re blowing your cover.” He slightly shoves me.

I look down “We’re just friends’ man.”

“Is that why you’re distracted? Because she’s going out with Archemy?” I just sigh and didn’t answer him. “You’ve got to try harder man, you’re being her friend not her suitor. Now, so there's no wonder why she agreed to go out with Archemy. I’m not saying that I like him or whatever but I’ve got to give him credit to him for always trying no matter how idiotic it was and I can seriously tell you he’s made such stupid things to court Calli.”

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