Chapter 10

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Hey, Charlie's chapter

Previously [AN: Charlie - (: x  [AN: Haze – she took so long she had to do a previously lol =D]


"Why is Zed being so blind to that jack ass Jasper?" I sighed "If I were Zed...-" I was interrupted by a warm breath on my neck and a sexy husky voice in my ear.

 "What if you were me?"

 "Z-Zed..." I whispered in shock.


 "Well? What if you were me?" Zed repeated the question again but in a stern voice which sent chills down my spine.

 "Err... Well... You see..." I glued my eyes to the ground which is difficult with this godly being in front of me "How much did you hear?"

 "Not enough apparently" he huffed,  “Are you going to tell me or am I wasting my breath?"

 I sighed; I can't lie to him about this. I mean sooner or later that prat will hurt him and he deserves all the facts although... I go weak at the knees for him and he may think I'm lying or I'm attention grabbing or.. or.... UGGHH I guess we haven't had that much of a relationship so I'm not losing to much...-

 My thoughts interrupted by a hand waving in front of my face "Earth to Duncan? Anybody home?"

 "Huh? Oh, oh yeah I forgot" and I blushed... He has that effect on me now.. that's about as annoying as two girls singing and dancing in a cinema badly [AN: lol this is what me and haze recently did in the glee 3D because we are cool].

 A incredibly sexy chuckle echoed the park "How can anyone forget about this?" and gestured to himself. "So.. are you going to spill?"

 I took a huge breath as in a whale before they dive into the ocean for a couple hours "ifiwerwyouidquithangingoutwithjasperbecauseheisanogoodlierandidonttrusthimwithapencil" I sunk to the ground gasping for air  that must be my record and fell on my back a stared at the stars and I was soon joined by Zed who's shoulder against mine was giving me tingles.

 "As impressive as that was I didn't catch a word of it" he laughed.

 "Didn't think so." as I said this I turned to look at him and gave a genuine smile. Not my fake smile I had been wearing recently, I have been bummed out for a while because of satins spawn and Zed. Right now though is nice just me and him, like... I can't explain really, it just feels so right like a warm blanket in the winter.

 He smiled in return flashing his pearly whites "Repeté s'ill vous plais" [An: although I take French I'm not sure if it's right but it just sounds so cool (8 but if it’s wrong please don't sue me (; ]

 "if I were you I'd quit hanging out with jasper because he is a no good liar and I don't trust him with a pencil" I began focusing on the northern star which you are supposedly to wish on and it will come true.

 The silence that filled the park was replaced with laughter "a-a pencil?" he choked through laughs.

 "What? He looks like he has it in for me and pencils are sharp and yellow and leady..." but this made him laugh harder than before, "You wouldn't laugh if you thought he was going to gouge out your eyeballs..."

 He finally stopped laughing and rolled over on his side so he was completely facing me, "Jasper really isn't that bad you should just get to know him" that's what he thinks, he doesn't know the real Jasper, the scheming lying one.

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