Chapter 3 (Pic of Josiah)

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Eliana's POV

Liz and I woke up to loud
yelling downstairs about the time that we had to go pick up Cory and Josiah.  I just laughed to myself. 

"They'll be here at 10:00,"  My mom said.

"No.  They will be here at 9:00,"  My dad said back at her.  

To be honest, they were both wrong.  Cory wasn't going to be here until 10:45, and it was only 8:30.  We had some time to spear, but I wasn't going to tell them that. 

"Okay.  Fine.  Let's go then so we can be there by 9:00,"  Mom said giving into my father.  We could tell she was getting more and more angry.  

"Girls, we are leaving,"  My dad yelled up the stairs to us.

"Okay, we are right behind you,"  I yelled back down to them.

"See you there, sweetheart,"  Mom said walking out the door. 

"Bye, mom," I yelled knowing she probably didn't hear me.

"We should probably get going, Liz.  We have got to be there by 10:45,"  I said laughing.

"I thought it was 9:00,"  She said laughing along with me. 

"Yeah, well, that was just what they thought.  If they would have listened to me yesterday, I told them what time we had to be there to pick them up,"  I said rolling my eyes.  

"Why do we have to leave so early, then?"  Liz asked puzzled.

"Liz, unless you wanna make breakfast we need to go and get some food."

"Oh... okay!  Makes sense now,"  She said with huge eyes.  Liz was beautiful.  She had brown hair and bright green eyes.  I loved how her skin tanned just right and she was the perfect height.  To be honest, I was surprised my brother never fell for her.

"Let's go.  We have an hour to stop and eat.  Then we have to go to the airport,"  I said grabbing my keys. 

"Where are we going to eat?"  Liz asked me was we walked out the door. 

"How about my Grandpa's little diner?" I asked knowing she would be happy.  She loved my grandpa and the food was great, too.

"Charlie's Diner?  Yes!"  Liz yelled jumping into my car.

I drove to the diner and pulled into the parking lot just as Nolan, my ex-boyfriend was walking out.  I dreaded seeing him around anymore. 

"Eliana, how are you?"  Nolan asked trying to make some type of conversation with me.

"I'm doing okay.  How are you?"  I asked not really wanting to talk to him, but I couldn't be mean to him either. 

Yes, I broke up with him, but he is the one who told me that he didn't have feelings for me anymore.  Now, I had to live that for the rest of my life.  I had to see him in school every day after that talking to other girls, and then those girls would flaunt him in my face.  I was just like really my sloppy seconds.  You like that.  Okay. 

"Eliana, I'm going to save us a seat inside,"  Liz said leaving me alone with him.

"Okay,"  I said turning back to Nolan. 

"Well, I guess you could say that I'm doing so good.  I mean the prettiest girl I know broke up with me, then I tore my ACL and lost my scholarship,"  Nolan said looking at the ground.  

Nolan was never one to look on the bad side of things.  When we broke up he said that he could find someone who could at least give him some and left me.  I knew he didn't mean, but know he looked as if everything that he ever did was a disgrace to his family.  Like in Mulan.  Yes, I am a savage Disney fan, but right now was not the time to think about that.  Nolan was handsome.  He deserved to me conceited considering he had blonde hair that looked like it was bleached that was paired perfectly with beautiful blue eyes.  He was tall, compared to me.  Plus, he was fit.  He was just perfect in every way, but right now he looked like he wanted to die.  

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