Chapter 15

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Josiah's POV

"I was thirteen when I first met Derek.  He was fifteen.  My mom and ad had just died."

"How did they die?"  Eliana interrupted. 

"They were shot.  Someone broke into our house and my mom was home.  They shot her first.  My dad came home a little later, and they shot him too. I came home and found both my parents laying in their own blood.  Most of our things were gone.  I got scared and called the police.

"They came to my house and took the dead bodies.  They told me I was going to have to go to a new family.  I didn't want that.  I ran away and hid in, what I thought, was an abandoned building.  They never found me, though."

"Wait, so how did you eat?  How did you survive all alone?"

"Do you want me to tell you the story or not?"  I asked getting slightly irritated.

"Yes, I want you to tell me.  Sorry."

"Okay.  I met Derek that night.  He asked me why I was hiding in his house.  I didn't know what to say.  He told me I could tell him when I was more comfortable.  As the hours grew on he made me feel at home.  I told him everything.  He promised me he would always be there for me.  I was just happy I didn't have to leave.  I lived with him up until the time I went to college.

"When I was eighteen I got involved with a girl named Ashley.  She was special.  Derek didn't like her, though.  He never trusted her.  I thought I was in love with her.  She wasn't in love with me, though.  She tried to hurt my roommate and me.  If Derek wouldn't have came when he did, I wouldn't be alive right now.    I later found out that she was someone who was involved in my parents death,"  I said.  She just sat there and waited for me to keep talking.

"In college, I met your brother.  Of course, I showed him to Derek.  Derek approved, so we became friends.  So, yeah, that's about it."

"Wow... You had a hard life, Jo.  Why didn't you tell me sooner?"  She asked looking into my eyes.

She was beautiful.  I couldn't believe anyone could look the way she did.  Derek even approved of her.  That made everything better. 

"Eliana, you didn't need to know my past life.  I told you now because I didn't want to lose you.  I love you, Eliana.  A lot,"  I said moving a piece of hair behind her ear. 

"Don't worry about losing me.  I'll be right here with you.  How long is Derek here for?"  She asked looking around the yard for Tebow. 

"How long is he allowed to stay?"  I asked knowing she'd say to ask Cory. 

"It just depends on what Cory says.  I would love to have him stay longer.  He obviously means a lot to you.  I understand why, though."

I sat there for a while.  She was very special to me.  I haven't felt this way about a girl since Ashley. 

"Evan's going to come over with Liz,"  she said looking at her phone.

"Evan?"  Why the hell do you care about him so much?"  I asked getting agitated with their relationship.

"He's really special to me.  Kinda like Derek is special to you.  He is like my second brother."

"I don't want you talking to him anymore." 

"What? Did you just say that I wasn't allowed to talk to him anymore?"  She asked.  

"Did I stutter?"  

"No, but you're going to wish you never said that."

"Oh really?  Why?"

"Because... I want you to stay away from me.  For as long as you live here, you don't look at me, touch me, or talk to me!  Do you understand?"  

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