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Maddison's POV

"OH MY GOD! This is so cool!" I yelled, as I ran up and down the private jet looking at everything, from the seats, to the cockpit, to the minibar and through the small windows.

I'd never been in an aeroplane before, let alone Xavier Andrews's private jet.

Xavier rolled his eyes at me and continued talking to the pilot in hushed tones.

"Sit down Maddison! We're taking off soon" Xavier said out of nowhere.

I did as I was told, and sat down into the beige seat, opposite Xavier.

"How long does it take?"

"Seven hours and forty five minutes"

"That's so long" I groaned. "What's the time difference?"

"Will you shut up for a while? I'm trying to get some work done here" he said sharply.

I kept my mouth shut.


It was about two hours into the flight, when I spotted the minibar. I was getting bored.

All Xavier ever did was work. He hadn't taken his eyes off his laptop in the past hour.

I slowly unbuckled my seatbelt, and started to walk toward the minibar.

"Where are you going?" He asked me without even looking up.

I swear he has eyes at the back of his head!

"Um... To get a drink?" I said as I chewed my lip nervously.

"Do you even know how to make a drink?" He asked as he looked up at me and raised an eyebrow.


"Sit down" he groaned as he got up and walked over to the minibar.

"I'm making you a grasshopper" he stated as he started to roll up his sleeves.

Is it just me, or do guys look extremely sexy when their sleeves are rolled up? Like they're cute but they become HOT when they roll up their sleeves!

"Here you go" he said, as he placed the glass with the green fluid in front of me.

"Thanks" I smiled before gulping it down.

One glass couldn't hurt right?


Boy was I wrong!

In about half an hour, I was in a totally different world.

"So... What's for lunch?" I smiled sheepishly at him.

"Maddison, it's four o'clock"

"So? Four is a good time for lunch"

"No it's not. Now, shut up and let me work"

"You've been on that laptop for about four hours! Like, seriously, get a life!"

It's amazing how much confidence alcohol can give you...

He didn't say anything, but he closed his laptop screen, and put it in its case.

"I'm hungry Xavier! Oh! Can I call you Xavi Wavy?-"

"No. Not Xavi Wavy" he said sternly. "But there's some stuff in the pantry at the back"

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