She was Juliet... My Juliet

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Jacob's POV

I was seven years old when I first met Maddison Green. I remember it was a hot day during the summer and I was watching cartoons and the doorbell rung.

I'd quickly run to the door and opened it, hoping it would be Tyler, back from biking with his friends.

Instead of him, I found myself face to face with a girl with dark brown hair dressed in overalls. She was gazing at me with her big chocolate eyes, holding a plate of cookies in her hands.

I remember thinking "she's cute", as she continued to gaze at me.

"Hi" I smiled brightly at her.

"Hello" she smiled shyly, once she realised she had been staring at me for a while.

"I'm Jacob"

"My- My name is Maddison. My family just moved in next door and my mommy said I should give these to you" she said as she held out the plate of cookies.

I was about to invite her in, but my mum interrupted us.

"Jake who is it?" She yelled from the kitchen.

"Our new neighbours!" I yelled back.

Soon after, she rushed out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on her jeans as she walked to the front door.

"Hi honey. My name is Joanne. I'm Jacob's mother" she smiled at the cute girl.

"Hello" she smiled sweetly at her. "These are for you"

My mother was taken aback my the little girls sweet gesture and personally went back to the Green's to thank them.


Over the years, Mads and I became best friends. However, to me she was always more than a friend. I knew that one day, I'd make her my girlfriend. I hated it when she had the thing for Matt Fisher in school as well. I couldn't stand him at all.

"She's obviously crushing on him" Reid rolled his eyes at me.

"Shut the fuck up asshole" I rolled my eyes at him as I watched Maddison laugh at something stupid fish boy had just said.

"She is... Fisher's decent looking though"

"Reid I will hurt you if you don't shut up right now" I rolled my eyes as I squeezed the can of sofa in my hand.

She waved at fish boy before making her way over to us.

"Hey guys" she smiled as she sat down.

"Hey Mads" Reid smirked slyly. "How's Matt doing?"


A small blush coated her cheeks as she averted her eyes from us. I took the opportunity to punch his shoulder.

"He's fine" she smiled.

"He's ugly" I groaned.

"Shut up Jake" she rolled her eyes as she playfully punched me on my shoulder.

"I'm serious. I don't know what you see in fish boy" I grumbled.

"Firstly, his name is Matt Fisher. Not fish boy. Secondly, he's cute and he's super sweet-"


"Super gay too" Reid chuckled.

"Wait what?" Her eyes went wide.

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