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This story is based after the Tower of Heaven Arc and before the Fighting Festival Arc, so they are still in the first building. Enjoy~!

Chapter 1: Lora

A young adult of the age of twenty one was making her way back to her chambers. She groaned in pain as she touched a new bruise on her shoulder that started to turn a purplish blue. She had received this bruise for failing yet another training session given by Aiden Clemton, the master of the dark guild Sin's Elite. She was trained not for her own improvement but for Aiden's gain of power. He wanted to be able to be the top guild of Fiore and the only way to achieve this goal would to be through eliminating all competition and be recognized as a guild of high power and strength. Lora had figured out his plan when she was twelve after over hearing Aiden talking to his S-class guild members. No matter how hard she tried to escape this horrid place she was brought back and punished, either she was immediately sent to be drained of her magic power or she was beaten and used as a practice dummy for training guild members.

Dragging her feet against the cold wooden floor she finally made it to her "room" if it could even be called that. It had a worn out mattress within it that had springs popping out the middle, so if she wanted to sleep she would have to stay in one exact spot, any movement on her part would lead to a gash across the back; in the corner sat a nightstand and a lacrima lamp. Well it was better than were she had to sleep before...which was the basement. After closing the door, the floors creaked as she inched her way towards the bed; sighing she was reminded by her stomach that she hadn't eaten all day and her mouth was dry from not having any water after training all those hours. Once she lied on the bed she found a somewhat comfy spot and sighed again. She would soon be out of this place, to see her younger sister and live a happy life in Fiore far away from here. Lora had no knowledge of her sister's whereabouts though she hoped that she was living a life with people that made her happy and made her feel welcome. Lora only wanted the best for her and she wished that even if she wasn't able to see her sister soon, she hoped her sister would remember her and the memories they shared together.

A knock rapped across the frail door causing Lora to let out a weak whimper, hoping that it wasn't Aiden wanting more of her magic power again. The door then began to creak open, and a tall figure stepped in, Lora then let out a sigh of relief once she saw soft orange eyes staring at her with concern. It was Marius, Aiden's son. Lora was so glad that it was him because he was the only one in this guild that was nice to her. Surely, he beat her as well but only because his father ordered him to but he would make sure to hit her softly but make it look as though it had hurt. His long ebony locks were in a low pony tail and his bangs covered his orange eyes a bit, in his hands were a tray holding a plate of food and a tall glass of water. Marius was the only one that actually fed Lora and made sure to treat her wounds for no one else in the guild cared for her or even acknowledged her existence.

"Here you go Lora I know you're hungry so I made sure to sneak you a whole plate this time." Marius said as he placed the tray in Lora's awaiting hands.

"Thank you Marius! I wouldn't be alive if it weren't for you and that heart of gold of yours," Lora told him giving him a full hearted smile as she took a bite of the warm glazed bread, letting out a satisfied moan as the butter melted in her mouth. Marius blushed at her words letting out a chuckle as he rubbed the back of his head. And then he remembered the other reason why he had come here.

"Lora, do you have any injuries?" Marius asked as he began to peer at her body trying to find any significance of a bruise or cut. Lora let out another sigh as she knew he was only doing it to help her and lying to him would only make him even more concerned and anxious. "On my right shoulder and it leads a bit to my back," She replied as she finished off the small loaf of bread and began to eat the mashed potatoes slower than she had with the bread. It was Marius' turn to sigh this time as he lifted his hands from his sides to the wound which Lora had moved her dress sleeve to show him. 'He could at least have been a bit easier on her.' He thought as he let magic excel out of his hands and onto the wound. His father as cruel as he was wouldn't accept any failure or anything to be or become weak. So Lora would be forced to get stronger even if she was on edge of unconsciousness.

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