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A/N: Okay so don't yell at me too much for not posting a chapter in forever. I have fallen out of this story for a while. Of course I still had ideas for the story, I just lacked the inspiration to write them. And with everything going on in my life I was honestly thinking about discontinuing it in order to not lead you all on. However, I managed to snap myself out of that mindset. And since I am in summer vacation I will be writing for this story more. So, enjoy!

|~A day ago~|

"Lora, you should take a break. You've been at this for three hours now..."

Lora placed her hands on her knees as she tried to catch her breath. She barely missed the hit that almost took off her head. Lora had decided that since she was done with all her responsibilities as head of the Velandia business, she would train to become stronger. If Roy and Marius were going to come back and get her she was going to put up a fight. Regus had launched at her once more, dangerously closing in on Lora's neck, but she countered it with a spell of her own.  Regus sighed as he jumped back to a safe distance.

"I really think we should take a break Lora!" He yelled, before doing a backflip to avoid Lora's flurry of punches.

"If I don't train hard enough I can't defeat them!" Lora shouted back, clutching her abdomen. She had taken many hits there and had sprained muscle with the many turns and flips she had pulled to dodge Regus' precise and powerful hits.

Regus' light grey eyes softened as he watched Lora crumple to the ground. He walked over to her and kneeled down to scoop her into his arms. He could feel her body begin to rack with sobs. Sighing, Regus ran his hand up and down her back in attempt to soothe her.

"I could have beaten him. I could have killed both of them. Yet when Enyo took over, and I saw how damaged Marius was...I had to stop her." She explained, lifting out of the embrace to wipe away the tears that fell.

"I still love him Regus, despite all that he had done to me--to Fairy Tail." Lora chocked out, "I know I'm stupid to still say that I love him. But, there is something that made him this way. Something that his father did to him. He would never do these things! I know that deep down the real Marius is there."

Regus nodded solemnly as he helped himself and Lora off the ground.

"Even though you have this feeling Lora you must consider the fact of what Marius is now. He is a cold hearted killer that will do anything to create the chaos that his father wants in Ishgar. He tried to kill Wendy and Ayana!"

Lora looked down at the ground, she didn't say anything or make any movement to say she disagreed. Regus continued.

"Love is a powerful thing, but it makes the best of us irrational and makes us chose the wrong paths at times. As much as you physically train yourself Lora, nothing can prepare you the most than mentally accepting the fact that the Marius you knew is gone. " Regus said softly, tucking a loose strand of Lora's black hair behind her right ear. 

Lora looked into his eyes for a moment, taking in the loving look he was giving her.  Lora threw herself back into his arms, wrinkling his red and gold cloak by the force of her grip. Regus held onto the raven haired woman tighter, placing his chin on her soft hair.

"Now, your first step to beating them, is to make up with Erza."


Finding Something New|Natsu X Erza| A Fairy Tail StoryWhere stories live. Discover now